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replied 2040d
This is my comment: Your video has good factual information as to where Tito was etc, but you have turned this into anti-Communist type propaganda, especially when you called Tito a dictator.
Tito was no such thing, he was loved by vast majority of the people, the only ones who didn't were Nazi collaborators, people who were Ustashe and Chetniks... who were TRAITORS.

And I absolutely hate when you people start with how much killings happened at the end of the war... what else do you expect when you have 5 year long was, the population was murdered and put into exile into hills and forests for years, and those that collaborated with Nazis DESERVE to be executed... and how you don't seem to care how many deaths happened because the Nazis who were funded by US & British Capitalists and European monarchies who collaborated with Nazis, and the Yugoslavian Monarchy, which is a REAL DICTATORSHIP as every Monarchy is a Dictatorship.

So overall I can see you have twisted the narrative to be Anti-Socialism, Anti-Communism and you have used all the propaganda that is typical for Capitalist Oligarhcy that started both WWI and WWII and it was the Communist movement that freed Europe from Nazis, and not the western allies (US/UK) which have after become the Nazis themselves (what NATO is)... and to see I am right, all you need to do is look at all the wars NATO has created in order to fight for Capitalist Imperialism.

SFRJ was a great country, we had freedom, we didn't need visa to any European country, all of Europe was coming to our land, enjoyed it in summer and in winter, Tito has more presidents on his shit and train an funeral then ANY other president in human history.. .that should be a sign that he was a great man, one which Yugoslavia lost and then the traitors who were quiet all this time, took into politics, traitors who were funded by Nazis in CIA and both the Serbian and Croat side, as well as Slovenia, were lead by ethnic Fascists into creating a 4 year long very bloody civil war. That war also was crated by Nazis in CIA, the Fascist Capitalist henchmen who have been instigating wars and fake rebelions in many other countries who are still doing the same in Venezuela, Iran and other places.

Tito was a LEGEND, best life long president any country could have... and its the fucks in America, the Fascist Capitalist Deep State and those fucking Monarchs in UK, that wanted trong Socialist Yugoslavia gone so that they can expand their claws into the region, and they have, Slovenia, Croatia and Albania also are now part of the Fascist NATO, the EU is fucking them up bit by bit... and I know time will come when people in the region, and all over the world, wake up again... realise how great Yugoslavia was in Communist/Socialist times... 10x better then what it is now... and same goes for every former USSR republic that is now a sovereign state. The Poles, the Chechs, the Slovaks, the Romanians, Bulgarians, etc... they all see now that Capitalism is far worse shit then what State Capitalism is (which is what was narrated as Communism, but is not Communism)
replied 2040d
And this is the very reason why Bitcoin system is great, as it has no and needs to leaders. You can have great leaders, like Tito, like Craig Wright, but if the system is left to be run by any leader, even if they are overly good, once they leave, someone will replace them, and chances are, it will get worse, and in case of Yugoslavia, the 1st president after Tito's death, was actually a good one, but he was assasinated, died in a plain crash. and after that it got worse, eventually politics was managed to be infiltrated by CIA and the Capitalist Deep State who they work for, and they hired those traitors to create hate among the population based on ethnicity... and result is 5 year long bloody civil war... one that I will never forget.