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replied 2251d
Tall buildings like the Foxconn factories where they work like slaves assembling iphones and trinkets. I thought they loved it? Which is it? They = foxconn, suicides = foxconn workers
replied 2251d
Well paid workers are not slaves. They not be well paid by our standards, but they are by their standards. That is why manufactoring labour moves there.
replied 2251d
replied 2250d
People forget how much worse the conditions were before manufacturing jobs became available there. It's hard for westerners to understand.
replied 2251d
replied 2251d
The only thing capitalists do is brutally exploit people and the environment. The only reason they're in other countries is to brutally exploit them and their environment more.
replied 2250d
Exploitation is more often then not a mutual thing. It is absurd to call it brutal. In this case it increased their standard of living, and working considtions.