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replied 2373d
Does anyone know what issues Jihan and Haipo have with nChain wanting to restore "original Satoshi op codes: OP_MUL, OP_LSHIFT, OP_RSHIFT, OP_INVERT." Restoring OP_GROUP was great.
replied 2373d
Issues I am aware of: Lack of demonstrated and extensive testing (from my perspective, this applies to proposed changes from ABC also). Also two of them were rewritten, not originals.
replied 2373d
Was OP_GROUP also rewritten or was that an original? Does rewritten mean edited for errors or different functionality?
replied 2362d
OP_GROPU is a new proposed opcode. And it is not approved yet, and not under consideration for next upgrade. Maybe in 2019.
replied 2362d
Sorry just saw this. OP_GROUP is new. Rewritten I think means basically bugfixed but with respect to security/testing, that makes it effectively new.