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1953d · Flat Earth
The moon landing have been debunked ad nauseum. It actually baffles me adults still believe in these fairy tales.
replied 1953d
"The moon landing have been debunked ad nauseum"

Only if you consider the ramblings of apparently retarded people as "debunking".
replied 1953d
Anger is the second phase of grief. You're almost there my friend. It took me a few years myself to accept the obvious.
replied 1953d
Well, do you own a telescope?

If not, then GTFO to the nearest webshop and get yourself one.
replied 1953d
Interesting that you say this. How is it possible that nobody with a telescope can actually come up with an actual proof? Maybe YOU should get one instead of blindly trust liars?
Jim Phillips
replied 1953d
Because nobody on earth has a telescope powerful enough to see a 15' wide object 385,000 km away.
replied 1953d
And even if, it would be non existant.
Jim Phillips
replied 1948d
The burden of proof is on the accuser. You have accused NASA of lying to the public. Prove it's a lie. Show us photographic evidence the lander isn't there.
replied 1953d
Liars being NASA obviously.
replied 1953d
The NASA lies do stack up (video, astronaut testimony, moon rocks) and the fact we haven't been back since make it highly unlikely we ever went.
replied 1953d
We certainly didnt beam live video of it in 1960, forgetting the tech/power wasnt possible the video looks like bad 1960s SiFi.
replied 1953d
and Nasa say they destroyed all the tech , everything lol
replied 1953d
No, NASA did not say that. We have better tech, all the obstacles are political.
replied 1953d

Iol excellent documentary
replied 1953d

They destroyed the tech and all the moon landing tapes.
replied 1953d
Are you guys retarded or what? Tapes are irrelevant. Given enough money, humanity could go to the moon if wanted.
replied 1953d
Could go is one thing, did go is another.
Anyways, watch Astronauts gone wild, its great.
replied 1953d
lol there is literally 0 political oposition. Give me a break.
replied 1953d
lol there is literally 0 political oposition.