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"Calling out the troll campaign that is either from CW or the BCore Dragon's Den. They are pretty easy to spot by looking at their comment history.
Most of the accounts are less than 1 year old. Many have karma that
replied 2068d
is way too high for a normal account of that age. At the same time of having high karma they also get heavily downvoted on here everytime they say something crazy and anti-BCH that
replied 2068d
promotes CW.
They frequently post CW's twitter posts right after they occur. Its essentially a group promoting CW in order to divide and harm BCH. I do believe there is a strong chance
replied 2068d
that the origin is r/bitcoin because those trolls seem silent at a time when BCH just gained 30% market share while BTC is flat.
replied 2068d
It's too obvious that they are absent and pro-CW trolls are out in force."