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1963d · Linux
I tried to install the latest electron cash wallet but I somehow screwed up my python installation when I updated it. Now it errors saying ModuleNotFoundError: PyQt5.sip. I googled this and did every
replied 1963d
pip install PyQt5-sip in case you have multiple python versions installed you need to be sure that whatever program you're trying to run points to the correct version
replied 1963d
It says requirement already satisfied and shows the latests version and directory. Shouldn't Electron cash automatically point to the right place? How can I change it?
replied 1962d
I never used it, but I presume you start it with some program that ends with ".py" If yes, then if you open that file with some text editor, the first line points it to python..
replied 1962d
So replace that path with whatever "which python" returns, e.g. #!/usr/bin/python or #!/bin/python
replied 1962d
Wow that's progress! Now it errors saying cant open 'python3' The original line was wrong and I changed it but it looked like this #!/usr/bin/env python3. The which cmd says its
replied 1962d
/usr/bin/python so I changed it to that, but it doesn't like the python3 now...
replied 1962d
You could try just #!/usr/bin/python3 (assuming the python3 binary is at /usr/bin or is symlinked there).
replied 1954d
I did that and now its complaining about pyqt5.sip again, jeez
replied 1954d