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Craig Wright’s side of the courtcase.
Those who don’t believe Craig need to assume, Craig emailed Louis Kleiman (father of Dave), to tell him his son Dave was involved in the creation of Bitcoin, because he needed Dave to be part of his story coming out as Satoshi.......
In emails between Kleiman and Craig, Craig offers them 12 million dollars and a share in the company exchange, he also offers help to get to the Bitcoins that Dave may have on his harddisk.
The harddisk are encrypted so they are obviously pissed off they can’t get to it.
The only legit reason for Craig to come out as Satoshi other than that he is Satoshi is that people think he needed money, as his businesses were failing. So we have to assume Craig lied to the father of his best dead friend, lied about 12 million dollars and lied about
the shares the Kleimans would get or at least they would be useless shares. Now think about this for a second.
Why would Craig promise things to his best friends family when it is impossible to make true this promise. Ie. he had to either have the money back then, or
he would be completely insane to get them involved and promise them complete bullshit, which would come out either way, 1.5 years earlier before he came out as Satoshi.
But he had those businesses, he also had intellectual property, so he always had a way to get out of debt?
The assumptions that are made for Craig not being Satoshi are ridiculous, they don’t add up at all. The fake pgp keys, the fake posts etc... can all be waved away, if Craig didn’t want to be known as Satoshi, which it looks like.
He never wanted a seperate Bitcoin he protected BTC against segwit as can be seen here.
He wanted to have the protocol locked down as per Satoshi.
Decentral means powerless money! Not developers ruling over Bitcoin and some democratic voting fest that allows people to vote on changing the protocol! That is called “central”, people are central as they want power over money.
Bitcoin solves this!
Now we also have to assume Craig after doing this really weird fraud with his best friends family that seems extremely unlikely and illogical 1.5 years ahead of coming out as Satoshi, which he clearly didn’t want to do.
We also have to assume that
he somehow completely went apeshit on Bitcoin and studied it inside out. Creating hundreds of patents which cost about 50k$ each if not more. We have to assume Nchain who runs 50 people and companies before that were all run to somehow come out as Satoshi in case they failed.
We have to assume that Stefan Martin, Ian Gregg, Calvin Ayre, Gavin Andersen, His wife, Ex wife and some more are all lying completely. That Craig somehow was happy to get an interviewer in for 7 months as he knew he was able con them..........
We now also have to assume Craig is happy to invite Peter McKormack, vitalik, holdonaut and Adam into court, because it is in the Uk and Craig thinks he can get away with it........
And most of all we have to assume that this madman even though he didn’t want a split in 2017, then decided to stay in BCH until it turned out that they also were planning change the protocol.
We have to assume that Craig somehow planned this, to then create his own shitcoin
Which turns out to be the exact Bitcoin Satoshi delivered to us, set in stone, simple secure and somehow it looks like it can do indeed anything.
So this madman somehow is clever enough to run a team of 50 people and make the original work, scale and do anything you can think of
I didn’t mention he has written hundreds of articles, mentioned Bitcoin is a small world graph, economically incentivised which also happens to fit in with Craig Wrights past, as a cybersecurity specialist he got into massive fights as he had the controversial vision of
security being an economic issue.
Now guess what solved the double spending problem/ selfish mining?
Indeed: economic security, happy coincidence right?
Is it also a coincidence that BSV after ten years is capable of running 128 mb bloks, aiming for gigabyte blocks soon after?
I think we all know Craig is off really well, he doesn’t have to work. He has staff, a lambo. Perhaps that is all fake huh?
Just like his doctorates his master degrees, his background as a lecturer on computing and math. His grandfather teaching him C and the fact that he worked for the airforce on f-18’s and f-111’s. Which happen to run Forth script. which is exactly what Bitcoin script is based on.
Here Satoshi answers with it is good enough, ie he wasn’t looking for perfect security, it is all based on economic security.
Ie the chances are it is to expensive for anyone trying to do double spendinf.
2010 he wrote this book, again Craig writes about software and trust and economics of security
This book also happens to quote the book:”Mythical man” which has a famous remark in it with not going to sea with 1 or 2 chronometers.
This quote is in the code of v0.1
Bitcoin was supposed to be set in stone, Satoshi replied this to Gavin when he was contemplating all the changes he could make and when he asked why script was used.
In this post to Ray Dillinger again he talks about locking it up.
Satoshi designed Bitcoin for years such that
any transactions can be added in the future without having to change the protocol. Only miners are nodes and they get to choose what they mine. But they can not change the protocol, nobody can!
Cash shouldn’t change and the whole point of Bitcoin is people do not get to choose
what Bitcoin is!
“Part of why i fucking disappeared was to have things not controlled, and I have to come back to control things, to get it fucking not controlled, that’s the friggin irony of this shit.”
- Dr Craig S Wright
“Part of why i fucking disappeared was to have things not controlled, and I have to come back to control things, to get it fucking not controlled, that’s the friggin irony of this shit.”
- Dr Craig S Wright
Here Satoshi mentions there are only two possible templates right now for transactions any other sort of transaction that can be worked out could simply be added through templates, allowing the protocol to remain the same.
Satoshi left in 2011 onto other things. Did he really just hop on a bicycle and ride it into the sunset? After all that work? Or would he have stuck around like Craig did?
Here in 2015 a Satoshi that was either a fake one, but to me it shows someone is protecting the original!
It is describing exactly what is happening in BTC. Developers having power over the future of Bitcoin in a fake democracy where users get to scratch their heads over what Segwit means and whether they need to use it or not. Bitcoin is not democratic, Bitcoin is Bitcoin
the reply to Gavin! Clearly reacting firmly the core design is set in stone and he talks about people realising the importance of staying with the OFFICIAL version.
Clearly stating he has technical reasons for Bitcoin not to fork. Segwit is a User Activated Soft Fork... this is why Craig was fighting for it to get it rejected.
Gavin:”He signed in my presence the private key from block 1, on a computer I am convinced to not be tempered with, on software I am convinced to not be tempered with, a message of my choosing”
That sealed the deal for me, convincing me he does have that private key.
>>>>How I Met Satoshi
Go to the profile of Jon Matonis
Jon Matonis
May 2, 2016
My relationship with the individual known as Satoshi Nakamoto started in early March 2010 when I received an email from Satoshi pointing me to the published Bitcoin white paper and encouraging me to investigate the system and to begin promoting the network by transacting and mining. At the time, I managed a digital currency blog and this was an email relationship with some brief correspondence.
Then, on June 4th 2015 during a conference, I arranged to meet fellow Bitcoin advocate, Craig Steven Wright, for a cup of coffee at the top floor of the AMP headquarters building in Sydney, Australia. After discussing many technical and economic aspects of the current Bitcoin protocol debates, I returned to my hotel room after an exhausting day. I remember saying to my wife that I had this weird feeling of having just met Satoshi. Of course, I continued the dialogue with Craig in the months after returning from Sydney and leading up to a private proof session in late March 2016.
The reality of an extraordinary event is rarely what you imagine and I am now pleased to know the creator of the Bitcoin protocol and the author of the Bitcoin white paper, Craig Steven Wright. Bitcoin in itself is a brilliant accomplishment. Dr Wright’s substantial academic works merit further attention. I believe that the scale of his achievement, especially the original design of chaining blocks to achieve Nakamoto consensus, has far-reaching implications for our world beyond just a single vertical industry.
During the London proof sessions, I had the opportunity to review the relevant data along three distinct lines: cryptographic, social, and technical. Based on what I witnessed, it is my firm belief that Craig Steven Wright satisfies all three categories. For cryptographic proof in my presence, Craig signed and verified a message using the private key from block #1 newly-generated coins and from block #9 newly-generated coins (the first transaction to Hal Finney). The social evidence, including his unique personality, early emails that I received, and early drafts of the Bitcoin white paper, points to Craig as the creator. I also received satisfactory explanations to my questions about registering the bitcoin.org domain and the various time-of-day postings to the BitcoinTalk forum. Additionally, Craig’s technical working knowledge of public key cryptography, Bitcoin’s addressing system, and proof-of-work consensus in a distributed peer-to-peer environment is very strong.
According to me, the proof is conclusive and I have no doubt that Craig Steven Wright is the person behind the Bitcoin technology, Nakamoto consensus, and the Satoshi Nakamoto name.
This story and its work are far from over.
Directly or indirectly, the work of Satoshi has already provided employment opportunities for tens of thousands of people around the globe and created over $7 billion of new blockchain wealth. The forthcoming research work from Dr Craig Wright can only be described as voluminous and highly technical.
At its essence, Bitcoin displaces the intermediary, or trusted third party, and there will be no sacred cows along the way. It will be methodical, scientific, and unforgiving in its ascent.
Going forward from here, Bitcoin-company board rooms and others throughout the financial ecosystem will be recalibrating business models as these applied developments realign the prevailing orthodoxy. Expect radically-new solutions that address specialized nodes and on-chain scalability, smart contracts that exploit a Turing complete Bitcoin, the impotence of tokenless blockchains, and a systematic decline in the quantity and value of alt-coins.
Of course, overall scalability of the Bitcoin network will continue to evolve and improve, with a decided bias towards efficient on-chain scaling as further advancements in mining and node specialisation are realized. Moreover, this will be possible without compromising or degrading the current optimal levels for mining decentralisation or node decentralisation.
Programmable transactions, or smart contracts, will emerge for various suitable use cases. Much of the proposed functionality in Ethereum-like scripting solutions can be accomplished with the existing Bitcoin network through the use of multiple digital signatures and metadata storage techniques.
Computational power and security of the distributed network will continue to increase beyond the exahash per second rates achieved to date since proof-of-work mining is a zero-sum game. The “second” strongest distributed blockchain will always be less secure than a centralised data center.
Indeed, hashrate matters and will continue to matter.
Technological advances in user-friendly privacy and coin fungibility will progress to maturity for the average user and outpace competing efforts to thwart financial privacy. Bitcoin’s built-in consumer protections include protection from financial surveillance, protection from confiscation, protection from government-sponsored inflation, protection from payment blockades, and protection from identity theft.
As the separation of money and State accelerates in real time, Bitcoin will continue to keep the monetary revolution peaceful. Coins in large volume will not be dropped onto the market, thereby strengthening bitcoin’s essential store-of-value element and ultimately benefitting its medium-of-exchange and unit-of-account properties.
We must remember that bitcoin is not the byproduct of a blockchain — the blockchain is the byproduct of bitcoin. Private, permissioned blockchains and distributed ledgers serve only to erect barriers and advance the interests of restrictive cartels whereas the public Bitcoin blockchain works to disrupt, not enable, financial incumbents.
In this new post-legal tender era, it is the central banks not the commercial banks that have the most to lose. We don’t need kings to coin our money and Bitcoin will outlive political institutions. It already has. Consequently, this will have severe transformative implications for governments’ fiscal policy and monetary policy.
I believe that the massive tidal wave of decentralisation and future Bitcoin advancements will start to occur more rapidly now, setting the stage for society to realize the plethora of currently imagined innovations. However, at the center of all of this incredible progress will be the unwavering and critical value of the humble digital bearer token known as bitcoin.<<<<
Jon Matonis!
Calvin Ayre mentions an old friend Stefan Martin ex colleague of Craig was shown the whitepaper of Bitcoin, Craig asked him for help, he declined.
Realising later
he was shown the whitepaper of Bitcoin.
Here we can see Satoshi wanted to not lead with anonymous although he did use anonymous and privacy as being similar things.
It also somewhat shows he did not see Bitcoin as being out of reach of government. At least how I read it.
If you had any doubts how Bitcoin is supposed to work, read the whitepaper it mentions miners are nodes only. There are no full nodes.
The ide was Blocks would grow miners would compete, SPV wallets would simply be wallets.
If we were to model that, it would become
a giant network node surrounded by spv’s. Which is what they call a small world graph.
In the whitepaper it says, Bitcoin is a peer to peer electronic cash system. This is peer to peer. Alice to Bob in effectively less than two hops.
Miners in competition are as per the whitepaper incentivised to interconnect, if your miner has too many orphans, this signals you to reinvest in the data line or hardware, which incentivises miners to keep the network in a high state of efficiency and security.
The original Bitcoin has a network distance of 1.32, facebook 4.6, lightning 12-80 (as money flows from Alice to Peter to Edgar to 12-80 others before reaching Bob)
Any network that has more than 3 hops has a bigger attack vector for sybil attacks.
Will BSV work? Is like asking will Bitcoin work? We don’t know we never really tried. It looks like it works. There are some legal aspects like saving data on chain, which is a novelty I guess. Commercial operators have more protection then home user nodes.
And through double hashing Craig mentions they are able to stop certain content from distributing, and moving certain parts of the mining process into countries where laws are strict.
Bitcoin has a script system which works like a predicate system.
Ryan X. Charles @ryanxcharles
Every problem with Bitcoin can be solved with Bitcoin.
- instant transactions: pay for it.
- smart contracts: pay for it.
- storage: pay for it.
- computation: pay for it.
- transfer: pay for it.
...pay for it...
Features that are not included in the base protocol can be programmed into autonomous agents that you pay to solve problems. They price things in Bitcoin and you pay them in Bitcoin. Every problem with Bitcoin can be solved with Bitcoin.
Because you can unroll loops, you can create arbitrarily sophisticated scripts. But you don't necessarily need long scripts. Instead, you can have many small scripts in parallel or series to do complicated things. Every problem with Bitcoin can be solved with Bitcoin.
These functions can be done in script, using the dual stack. Bitcoin script doesn’t loop but you can extend it with external languages like forth or even Ethereum to loop.
Bitcoin is like a global computer that can store functions and run them in parallel.
It allows a new way of global trade brings people closer then ever before and could become the new way of storing immutable privacy data, have a way to access your devices by storing your username on the blockchain and combine smart cards with cryptographic keys such that
you alone can access your device when you have the smartcard, keys and perhaps fingerprint authentication.
It is like ELA except better........
Data needs to be valued for it to become information, it was never free, we pay with our privacy, with our time.
with microfees 4 services, new business models arise, more honest. Data becomes a competitive good. As Craig mentions:”Data wants to be valued, just like u and me”
Bitcoin at scale can do anything, we just need it to scale, we need rules, we need to keep it stable and locked down, we need to understand what that means.
We need enough datacenters to compete. We need everything on Bitcoin!
Bitcoin could give us powerless globall money,
forcing governments to stay honest about their monetary policies, as people can flee into Bitcoin when required.
It needs to be used, it offers those in poor African countries to take part in open global trade.
Like the internet it brings people closer, but in a more secure way. It could create a value internet.
I did not write this for anyone to invest in BSV the original Bitcoin, I want people to look at Craig’s side of the story and make your own decision.
Investing in crypto is risky! Governments can shut it down, new technical projects have a high risk of failure!
#blockchain #proof #satoshinakamoto #craigwright #justice #bitcoin #evidence #craigissatoshi
Those who don’t believe Craig need to assume, Craig emailed Louis Kleiman (father of Dave), to tell him his son Dave was involved in the creation of Bitcoin, because he needed Dave to be part of his story coming out as Satoshi.......
In emails between Kleiman and Craig, Craig offers them 12 million dollars and a share in the company exchange, he also offers help to get to the Bitcoins that Dave may have on his harddisk.
The harddisk are encrypted so they are obviously pissed off they can’t get to it.
The only legit reason for Craig to come out as Satoshi other than that he is Satoshi is that people think he needed money, as his businesses were failing. So we have to assume Craig lied to the father of his best dead friend, lied about 12 million dollars and lied about
the shares the Kleimans would get or at least they would be useless shares. Now think about this for a second.
Why would Craig promise things to his best friends family when it is impossible to make true this promise. Ie. he had to either have the money back then, or
he would be completely insane to get them involved and promise them complete bullshit, which would come out either way, 1.5 years earlier before he came out as Satoshi.
But he had those businesses, he also had intellectual property, so he always had a way to get out of debt?
The assumptions that are made for Craig not being Satoshi are ridiculous, they don’t add up at all. The fake pgp keys, the fake posts etc... can all be waved away, if Craig didn’t want to be known as Satoshi, which it looks like.
He never wanted a seperate Bitcoin he protected BTC against segwit as can be seen here.
He wanted to have the protocol locked down as per Satoshi.
Decentral means powerless money! Not developers ruling over Bitcoin and some democratic voting fest that allows people to vote on changing the protocol! That is called “central”, people are central as they want power over money.
Bitcoin solves this!
Now we also have to assume Craig after doing this really weird fraud with his best friends family that seems extremely unlikely and illogical 1.5 years ahead of coming out as Satoshi, which he clearly didn’t want to do.
We also have to assume that
he somehow completely went apeshit on Bitcoin and studied it inside out. Creating hundreds of patents which cost about 50k$ each if not more. We have to assume Nchain who runs 50 people and companies before that were all run to somehow come out as Satoshi in case they failed.
We have to assume that Stefan Martin, Ian Gregg, Calvin Ayre, Gavin Andersen, His wife, Ex wife and some more are all lying completely. That Craig somehow was happy to get an interviewer in for 7 months as he knew he was able con them..........
We now also have to assume Craig is happy to invite Peter McKormack, vitalik, holdonaut and Adam into court, because it is in the Uk and Craig thinks he can get away with it........
And most of all we have to assume that this madman even though he didn’t want a split in 2017, then decided to stay in BCH until it turned out that they also were planning change the protocol.
We have to assume that Craig somehow planned this, to then create his own shitcoin
Which turns out to be the exact Bitcoin Satoshi delivered to us, set in stone, simple secure and somehow it looks like it can do indeed anything.
So this madman somehow is clever enough to run a team of 50 people and make the original work, scale and do anything you can think of
I didn’t mention he has written hundreds of articles, mentioned Bitcoin is a small world graph, economically incentivised which also happens to fit in with Craig Wrights past, as a cybersecurity specialist he got into massive fights as he had the controversial vision of
security being an economic issue.
Now guess what solved the double spending problem/ selfish mining?
Indeed: economic security, happy coincidence right?
Is it also a coincidence that BSV after ten years is capable of running 128 mb bloks, aiming for gigabyte blocks soon after?
I think we all know Craig is off really well, he doesn’t have to work. He has staff, a lambo. Perhaps that is all fake huh?
Just like his doctorates his master degrees, his background as a lecturer on computing and math. His grandfather teaching him C and the fact that he worked for the airforce on f-18’s and f-111’s. Which happen to run Forth script. which is exactly what Bitcoin script is based on.
Here Satoshi answers with it is good enough, ie he wasn’t looking for perfect security, it is all based on economic security.
Ie the chances are it is to expensive for anyone trying to do double spendinf.
2010 he wrote this book, again Craig writes about software and trust and economics of security
This book also happens to quote the book:”Mythical man” which has a famous remark in it with not going to sea with 1 or 2 chronometers.
This quote is in the code of v0.1
Bitcoin was supposed to be set in stone, Satoshi replied this to Gavin when he was contemplating all the changes he could make and when he asked why script was used.
In this post to Ray Dillinger again he talks about locking it up.
Satoshi designed Bitcoin for years such that
any transactions can be added in the future without having to change the protocol. Only miners are nodes and they get to choose what they mine. But they can not change the protocol, nobody can!
Cash shouldn’t change and the whole point of Bitcoin is people do not get to choose
what Bitcoin is!
“Part of why i fucking disappeared was to have things not controlled, and I have to come back to control things, to get it fucking not controlled, that’s the friggin irony of this shit.”
- Dr Craig S Wright
“Part of why i fucking disappeared was to have things not controlled, and I have to come back to control things, to get it fucking not controlled, that’s the friggin irony of this shit.”
- Dr Craig S Wright
Here Satoshi mentions there are only two possible templates right now for transactions any other sort of transaction that can be worked out could simply be added through templates, allowing the protocol to remain the same.
Satoshi left in 2011 onto other things. Did he really just hop on a bicycle and ride it into the sunset? After all that work? Or would he have stuck around like Craig did?
Here in 2015 a Satoshi that was either a fake one, but to me it shows someone is protecting the original!
It is describing exactly what is happening in BTC. Developers having power over the future of Bitcoin in a fake democracy where users get to scratch their heads over what Segwit means and whether they need to use it or not. Bitcoin is not democratic, Bitcoin is Bitcoin
the reply to Gavin! Clearly reacting firmly the core design is set in stone and he talks about people realising the importance of staying with the OFFICIAL version.
Clearly stating he has technical reasons for Bitcoin not to fork. Segwit is a User Activated Soft Fork... this is why Craig was fighting for it to get it rejected.
Gavin:”He signed in my presence the private key from block 1, on a computer I am convinced to not be tempered with, on software I am convinced to not be tempered with, a message of my choosing”
That sealed the deal for me, convincing me he does have that private key.
>>>>How I Met Satoshi
Go to the profile of Jon Matonis
Jon Matonis
May 2, 2016
My relationship with the individual known as Satoshi Nakamoto started in early March 2010 when I received an email from Satoshi pointing me to the published Bitcoin white paper and encouraging me to investigate the system and to begin promoting the network by transacting and mining. At the time, I managed a digital currency blog and this was an email relationship with some brief correspondence.
Then, on June 4th 2015 during a conference, I arranged to meet fellow Bitcoin advocate, Craig Steven Wright, for a cup of coffee at the top floor of the AMP headquarters building in Sydney, Australia. After discussing many technical and economic aspects of the current Bitcoin protocol debates, I returned to my hotel room after an exhausting day. I remember saying to my wife that I had this weird feeling of having just met Satoshi. Of course, I continued the dialogue with Craig in the months after returning from Sydney and leading up to a private proof session in late March 2016.
The reality of an extraordinary event is rarely what you imagine and I am now pleased to know the creator of the Bitcoin protocol and the author of the Bitcoin white paper, Craig Steven Wright. Bitcoin in itself is a brilliant accomplishment. Dr Wright’s substantial academic works merit further attention. I believe that the scale of his achievement, especially the original design of chaining blocks to achieve Nakamoto consensus, has far-reaching implications for our world beyond just a single vertical industry.
During the London proof sessions, I had the opportunity to review the relevant data along three distinct lines: cryptographic, social, and technical. Based on what I witnessed, it is my firm belief that Craig Steven Wright satisfies all three categories. For cryptographic proof in my presence, Craig signed and verified a message using the private key from block #1 newly-generated coins and from block #9 newly-generated coins (the first transaction to Hal Finney). The social evidence, including his unique personality, early emails that I received, and early drafts of the Bitcoin white paper, points to Craig as the creator. I also received satisfactory explanations to my questions about registering the bitcoin.org domain and the various time-of-day postings to the BitcoinTalk forum. Additionally, Craig’s technical working knowledge of public key cryptography, Bitcoin’s addressing system, and proof-of-work consensus in a distributed peer-to-peer environment is very strong.
According to me, the proof is conclusive and I have no doubt that Craig Steven Wright is the person behind the Bitcoin technology, Nakamoto consensus, and the Satoshi Nakamoto name.
This story and its work are far from over.
Directly or indirectly, the work of Satoshi has already provided employment opportunities for tens of thousands of people around the globe and created over $7 billion of new blockchain wealth. The forthcoming research work from Dr Craig Wright can only be described as voluminous and highly technical.
At its essence, Bitcoin displaces the intermediary, or trusted third party, and there will be no sacred cows along the way. It will be methodical, scientific, and unforgiving in its ascent.
Going forward from here, Bitcoin-company board rooms and others throughout the financial ecosystem will be recalibrating business models as these applied developments realign the prevailing orthodoxy. Expect radically-new solutions that address specialized nodes and on-chain scalability, smart contracts that exploit a Turing complete Bitcoin, the impotence of tokenless blockchains, and a systematic decline in the quantity and value of alt-coins.
Of course, overall scalability of the Bitcoin network will continue to evolve and improve, with a decided bias towards efficient on-chain scaling as further advancements in mining and node specialisation are realized. Moreover, this will be possible without compromising or degrading the current optimal levels for mining decentralisation or node decentralisation.
Programmable transactions, or smart contracts, will emerge for various suitable use cases. Much of the proposed functionality in Ethereum-like scripting solutions can be accomplished with the existing Bitcoin network through the use of multiple digital signatures and metadata storage techniques.
Computational power and security of the distributed network will continue to increase beyond the exahash per second rates achieved to date since proof-of-work mining is a zero-sum game. The “second” strongest distributed blockchain will always be less secure than a centralised data center.
Indeed, hashrate matters and will continue to matter.
Technological advances in user-friendly privacy and coin fungibility will progress to maturity for the average user and outpace competing efforts to thwart financial privacy. Bitcoin’s built-in consumer protections include protection from financial surveillance, protection from confiscation, protection from government-sponsored inflation, protection from payment blockades, and protection from identity theft.
As the separation of money and State accelerates in real time, Bitcoin will continue to keep the monetary revolution peaceful. Coins in large volume will not be dropped onto the market, thereby strengthening bitcoin’s essential store-of-value element and ultimately benefitting its medium-of-exchange and unit-of-account properties.
We must remember that bitcoin is not the byproduct of a blockchain — the blockchain is the byproduct of bitcoin. Private, permissioned blockchains and distributed ledgers serve only to erect barriers and advance the interests of restrictive cartels whereas the public Bitcoin blockchain works to disrupt, not enable, financial incumbents.
In this new post-legal tender era, it is the central banks not the commercial banks that have the most to lose. We don’t need kings to coin our money and Bitcoin will outlive political institutions. It already has. Consequently, this will have severe transformative implications for governments’ fiscal policy and monetary policy.
I believe that the massive tidal wave of decentralisation and future Bitcoin advancements will start to occur more rapidly now, setting the stage for society to realize the plethora of currently imagined innovations. However, at the center of all of this incredible progress will be the unwavering and critical value of the humble digital bearer token known as bitcoin.<<<<
Jon Matonis!
Calvin Ayre mentions an old friend Stefan Martin ex colleague of Craig was shown the whitepaper of Bitcoin, Craig asked him for help, he declined.
Realising later
he was shown the whitepaper of Bitcoin.
Here we can see Satoshi wanted to not lead with anonymous although he did use anonymous and privacy as being similar things.
It also somewhat shows he did not see Bitcoin as being out of reach of government. At least how I read it.
If you had any doubts how Bitcoin is supposed to work, read the whitepaper it mentions miners are nodes only. There are no full nodes.
The ide was Blocks would grow miners would compete, SPV wallets would simply be wallets.
If we were to model that, it would become
a giant network node surrounded by spv’s. Which is what they call a small world graph.
In the whitepaper it says, Bitcoin is a peer to peer electronic cash system. This is peer to peer. Alice to Bob in effectively less than two hops.
Miners in competition are as per the whitepaper incentivised to interconnect, if your miner has too many orphans, this signals you to reinvest in the data line or hardware, which incentivises miners to keep the network in a high state of efficiency and security.
The original Bitcoin has a network distance of 1.32, facebook 4.6, lightning 12-80 (as money flows from Alice to Peter to Edgar to 12-80 others before reaching Bob)
Any network that has more than 3 hops has a bigger attack vector for sybil attacks.
Will BSV work? Is like asking will Bitcoin work? We don’t know we never really tried. It looks like it works. There are some legal aspects like saving data on chain, which is a novelty I guess. Commercial operators have more protection then home user nodes.
And through double hashing Craig mentions they are able to stop certain content from distributing, and moving certain parts of the mining process into countries where laws are strict.
Bitcoin has a script system which works like a predicate system.
Ryan X. Charles @ryanxcharles
Every problem with Bitcoin can be solved with Bitcoin.
- instant transactions: pay for it.
- smart contracts: pay for it.
- storage: pay for it.
- computation: pay for it.
- transfer: pay for it.
...pay for it...
Features that are not included in the base protocol can be programmed into autonomous agents that you pay to solve problems. They price things in Bitcoin and you pay them in Bitcoin. Every problem with Bitcoin can be solved with Bitcoin.
Because you can unroll loops, you can create arbitrarily sophisticated scripts. But you don't necessarily need long scripts. Instead, you can have many small scripts in parallel or series to do complicated things. Every problem with Bitcoin can be solved with Bitcoin.
These functions can be done in script, using the dual stack. Bitcoin script doesn’t loop but you can extend it with external languages like forth or even Ethereum to loop.
Bitcoin is like a global computer that can store functions and run them in parallel.
It allows a new way of global trade brings people closer then ever before and could become the new way of storing immutable privacy data, have a way to access your devices by storing your username on the blockchain and combine smart cards with cryptographic keys such that
you alone can access your device when you have the smartcard, keys and perhaps fingerprint authentication.
It is like ELA except better........
Data needs to be valued for it to become information, it was never free, we pay with our privacy, with our time.
with microfees 4 services, new business models arise, more honest. Data becomes a competitive good. As Craig mentions:”Data wants to be valued, just like u and me”
Bitcoin at scale can do anything, we just need it to scale, we need rules, we need to keep it stable and locked down, we need to understand what that means.
We need enough datacenters to compete. We need everything on Bitcoin!
Bitcoin could give us powerless globall money,
forcing governments to stay honest about their monetary policies, as people can flee into Bitcoin when required.
It needs to be used, it offers those in poor African countries to take part in open global trade.
Like the internet it brings people closer, but in a more secure way. It could create a value internet.
I did not write this for anyone to invest in BSV the original Bitcoin, I want people to look at Craig’s side of the story and make your own decision.
Investing in crypto is risky! Governments can shut it down, new technical projects have a high risk of failure!
#blockchain #proof #satoshinakamoto #craigwright #justice #bitcoin #evidence #craigissatoshi