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Bestiality is ethically no worse than slaughtering an animal for food, in fact it's better - I'd rather get raped than murdered.
replied 2381d
Same for plants. They get cut down and suffer for days. People eat them alive in most cases!
replied 2381d
Does it have to be rape?
replied 2381d
If you can think of a way to verify animal consent then great but that seems pretty difficult to me.
replied 2381d
idk you've seen dogs humping your legs ?
replied 2381d
I am no frog, but given the choice to be reincarnated I would check of the "Get Murdered Quick" box instead of suffering this fate, NSFW
replied 2381d
There are people that try to charm their way into sex with wild dolphins. If someone actually swims into the ocean and manages to do it with an interested dolphin then. Hmmmmmmm.
replied 2381d
🤣🤣🤣 people are weird.