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replied 2318d
Sure, that's exactly what we need. Every law enforcement agency in the world trying to declare Bitcoin illegal.
replied 2318d
Instead they are trying (quite successfully unfortunately) to infiltrate us from the inside and derail our efforts through companies such as Blockstream and nChain 2/2
replied 2318d
Do we really want the added negative attention? Freedom is one thing; calling it the next pirate bay is just asking for trouble.
replied 2317d
Well it is not actually called "next pirate bay". Just one guy calls it so.
replied 2318d
BCH is permissionless so what are you gonna do?
replied 2318d
I'm going to plead to the community to NOT turn this into "the next pirate bay." We just got over the reputation that Bitcoin is scams and money for illegal goods.
replied 2318d
Storing torrents is not illegal, you can data share anything in the world. Uploading and downloading copyrighted material might be, but the users are responsible, not the medium.
replied 2318d
It is illegal in most countries. But the bigger picture is, do we want the reputation of storing illegal content on our blockchain, or do we want to be a global payment system?
replied 2318d
No. Police regularly raid and shut down these sites. A few of the basic freedoms most Western countries used to enjoy simply did not make it into the 21st century.
replied 2318d
Lol, ask Kim Dotcom about that one...
replied 2318d
I think they[govts] already realized it is pointless to de-legalize Bitcoin, because it would have to be done all around the world simultaneously. 1/2