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Falkvinge: it is clear to me that Mr. Wright is a classic narcissist and sociopath -- what we would call a predator. He has probably never delivered anything himself, but rather relied on intimidation to make others
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work for him and then claimed their work as his own. It is clear from the past days that his technical skills aren't even good enough to be called mediocre, after he managed to fail in
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plagiarizing a "Hello, World" program and getting it wrong. The problem is that people like these are so reality-defying when you're conditioned to collaborate that if somebody were to
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describe their modus operandi to you (prey on people wanting to collaborate, then taking everything and leaving them to dry), you would just find it unbelievable such people even exist
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Therefore, people who haven't encountered a predator like this before must see it with their own eyes, rather than have somebody else tell them.