A global government would be higher than a nations government. The idea would be a global constitution that all governments are held to. Constitution are negative rights lists.
larger govs (ie tribes, city-states, then states, nations) have not reduced corruption/abuses of power. Why would yet another, larger gov “hold ppl” to anything?
Yes they can. I am not stopping them. I have no problem with people creating their own communities independant of established communities. Lots of land to do that in North America.
doesn’t sound that way from the rest of the thread: “Not paying taxes is theft. Taxes are payment for services rendered. If you choose to live in a place that gets the benefits of
taxes you are morally obligated to pay.” “National autonomy. The right to complete independance. The ability to completely resist utside interference. The world could use nations
One is talking about individuals, the other about nation states. People can move to the middle of nowhere to not have less obligation to pay taxes if they want.
Global constitution is fine as long as it's installed like amendments to US Constitution: overwhelming majority in each country. Unlikely to occur, especially when we go crossplanetary