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replied 2107d
Phuck the UN
replied 2106d
replied 2106d
I bet you haven't watched it. You'd better stick with CNN reporting rather than direct sources.
replied 2106d
I did watch it. He is a guilty man denying his guilt, just like Bill Cosby did. Nobody is going to admit to it. He was filibustering all the dems Q &A. Clearly obvious.
replied 2106d
You're deluding yourself. All people she identified as having been there denied it. There's no corroboration and all refuted it happened. And to boot he has an impeccable record.
replied 2106d
But at least the investigation is going through now. That's all that was asked for. If he is clean then you have nothing to worry about. Right?
replied 2106d
The democrats want the delay to allow for more Avenatti type shit to spring up. And then more delays and more investigations requested until the mid-terms are here. It's disgusting.
replied 2106d
It's the republicans that decided to do the investigation. How can this be blamed on the dems? They could have voted him in today. LOL
replied 2106d
Everybody has an impeccable record until they get caught. Hence Bill Cosby? If you are clean you would want an FBI investigation to officially clear your name. Yet, deer in Headlights
replied 2106d
Just a delaying tactic. All information is known. Both testified and others gave sworn statements refuting Ford. The delay allows for more circus acts to sprout. Keep throwing shit.
replied 2106d
Wtf are you talking about? What part of the video are you referring for exactly?
replied 2106d
Really how long does it take to answer "Did you ever black out when you drink"?
replied 2105d
Next time you should actually watch it before commenting.
replied 2105d
replied 2105d
Dude. That's totally off topic with the U.N. speech. You're obsessed or what?
replied 2105d
I have been talking about the Kavanaugh interrogation. I must have accidentally made a comment on your topic when it was meant for someone else. I will have to go back and look
replied 2105d
Stay off the beer.
replied 2106d
Every Question the Dems asked he would cut them off before the question was even finished and Would either go off with 5 minute ramble or throw the Q back at them.
replied 2105d
You obviously never watched the video. You couldn't be more off topic.
replied 2105d
You must have watched the fake version on Faux News.
replied 2105d
I've watch the actual speak by myself. How about that?
replied 2106d
Comparing Kavanaugh to Cosby shows your irrational bias. Nothing would convince you that Ford is lying or mistaken and Kavanaugh is innocent.
replied 2106d
Only to you because one is black and one is white. That's obvious. There are about 5 accusers now. Not just Ford. Which is common for sexual abusers.
replied 2106d
All but Ford have been totally discredited. And Ford's account has been refuted by all. She came across as deceitful to me - she's scared of flying yet she's flown all over the world.
replied 2106d
replied 2106d
Ms. Ramirez called several classmates trying to get them to lie with her about Kavanaugh. Several classmates reported this. Her credibility is zero.
replied 2106d
Phuck voting.