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replied 2405d
Didn't they take away his internet?
replied 2405d
Someone parked a car with a wifi for him outside the embassy.
replied 2405d
Couldn't find any evidence of this. I know when it happened in 2016 4chan was trying to get him access, but I don't see anything about this time, unless the press is suppressing it.
replied 2405d
Dude that's awesome. I don't know how I feel about Assange *exactly*, but I love the disruption of gov power. Surprised they don't jam it or just arrest the guy providing.
replied 2405d
They should also solve the problem of drugs being smuggled into prison / weapons somehow.
replied 2405d
I get what your saying, but blocking one guy who can't go anywhere's internet access is orders of magnitude easier than stopping smuggling in thousands of prisons.
replied 2405d
It is a sad, sad world...