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It is well known that in China at the time of this publication, it is very difficult to find a target that is highly undervalued. Even the cryptocurrency is currently a game of capital disk. At present, 99.9% of cryptocurrency will return to zero from a long-term perspective. Yes, Bitcoin will be introduced in this article.
Satoshi Vision (BSV) (literally translated: Bitcoin Zhongchong vision) is the only remaining one that is now suitable for "long-term" value investment.

You may laugh when you see it here, and you will not think it will be a scam. Be alert and skeptical, because this article is only suitable for people with a certain logical speculation to continue reading.

Lao Nie once said: "If you can't understand, then you can't believe it." A deep understanding of BSV requires a certain multidisciplinary foundation: computer, internet, economics, cryptography, law, game theory, history, physics, complex networks, and so on. This has blocked many people from really understanding the BSV, even the elderly in the currency circle. This article is not intended to discuss the BSV in depth. From the perspective of investors, it briefly introduces the logic of BSV's “long-term” value investment. Starting from the explanation of what Bitcoin is, it is far from underestimating the value of BSV.