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Simon Van Gelder
replied 1696d
Simon Van Gelder
Anyone have #SPEDN dev's ear?
bvk 1JqNrW
replied 1695d
I think Telegram channel for ABC Development is your best bet. Devs are very reachable in there.
replied 1695d
Can u drop an invite link?
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1695d
Think I'll pass on the "Give-me-your-phone-number" gram.
replied 1695d
The last thing I want is that, but you mentioned the Telegram group so it only made sense to invite people to the ABC group. No need to be werid about it
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1695d
Weirdness not intentional, poor wording on my part: didn't get into ABC chat because I won't give my # @ signup. Would "pass along" the invite if I hadn't "passed" on telegram itself.
replied 1695d
Gotcha that makes sense. Thanks anyways!
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1695d
My value as a non-bot has nothing to do with my having a telephone backwards, but becoming less surprising.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1695d
Much thanks. I think I've narrowed it down walking through the contact/stack by hand.