Create account

replied 2314d
for two things: delegation of responsibility (those who want other people to handle the security) and for loans.
replied 2314d
That's the whole point of a p2p currency to have full control for yourself. And loans can be achieved in other ways like crowdfunding. Cryptocurrencies will fuck up banks!
En Fri Mand
replied 2314d
It is no problem for others if some people want others to handle the security.
replied 2314d
Then why would they want crypto currencies in the first place? They will just have no benefit of them. They will go down with the banks or banks will win and crypto currencies go down.
En Fri Mand
replied 2314d
The benefit is that they have the possibility of holding it themselves. It's easier to have it all in one (open) system than to switch between open and proprietary systems.
En Fri Mand
replied 2314d
The proprietary ones can censor people.
replied 2314d
And so taxes can be automatically withdrawn from your Liquid BTC account...errrr node....uhhhh whatever the f*ck they are calling their Federal Crypto Bank accounts.