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Got a strange e-mail:

"Hey, I'm Dr. Craig Wright, scientist, philosopher, inventor, lawyer, cleric, poet and veterinarian.

I own millions of BTC (Bitcoin, which I invented), but at this moment I cannot move it, for a variety of reasons.

What does that have to do with you, you ask? A lot, actually. A bloody lot.

Look, I need 1 BTC to unlock my fortune. If you send one BTC to my secure address, I will return to you 100 (one hundred!) BTC as soon as I unlock my fortune.

Bad deal for me, bloody good deal for you. Unfortunate, I don't have a choice right now.
Risk. Finance. You understand.

Here is my safe address:

Can't wait to welcome you to the rich side. I'm shifting to full billionaire mode now.

Warm greetings,

Dr. Craig"