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1768d · Capitalism
I guess spilling oil everywhere is their idea of fighting climate change lol. Fill the ocean with oil so we can't see how many fish we're killing? Checks out in McCarthyist logic
replied 1768d
1) So what, you want to get rid of oil? Don't use oil then. 2) Species die out. Evolution gives, and evolution takes away. Its life.
replied 1768d
Evolution has nothing to do with a human-caused mass extinction you idiot lol. Unintelligent, apathetic consumers like you are the problem, you're basically cattle.
replied 1768d
Humans came from evolution. #BasicMaths
replied 1768d
Lol sure, more like #im14andthisisdeep
replied 1768d
You are objectively wrong though. Ending a species isn't inherently wrong. The biosphere isn't static. Are these species "needed"? If so, how?
Bitcoin Cash Activist
replied 1768d
me too