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replied 2363d
Yeah I’ve noticed that the few core Trolls that have slipped into memo aren’t too keen on arguing their point when debated. Tone Veys being one that never rebuttaled & disappeared
replied 2363d
Was it ever verified that Tone Vays was on Memo?
replied 2363d
They'd be adding adoption to and BCH transaction volume... also ... they hate censorship resistant forums because they can't ambush people and shut them up!
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2362d
I think that was a parody account. Occasionally we get a real crazy who wastes all their satoshis and never posts again though.
replied 2362d
But then again, Tone Vays is pure parody by himself :)
replied 2362d
Yup, that's what I thought
replied 2362d
Tone Vays·2days ago
I totally destroyed Roger Ver in the debate on the bitcoin cruise.
My points were solid and my awesome abs helped seal the deal. Face it, I am the total package.
replied 2362d
Tone Vays got shit on. Like a big ass eagle came along and shit on his head.
replied 2362d
Ha!!! I fully agree 😂
replied 2362d
Someone with the name Tone Veys posted saying that he reked Roger in the debate the day after the cruise and I commented on the post disputing his claim. I’m assuming it was him.