Create account

replied 2248d
Are you suggesting the first person to create a topic controls that topic? Or would the first message be immutably pinned?
replied 2247d
A description spot for topics would solve this requirement
replied 2247d
Similar question. Who controls this description? Or is the first post an immutable description?
replied 2246d
Keep it simple. Immutable first post. Make a mistake? Create a new topic again....
replied 2247d
Could there be a topic owner command (or whatever the appropriate term is) for whomever created it and then admin commands set by the owner? Genuinely don't know, just spitballing.
replied 2247d
If topics had owners that seems similar to moderators in subreddits. The goal is to keep memo permissionless.
replied 2247d
Memo = permissionless. However, 1st message should have option to be highlighted. I see 2 ways: 1. - pin 1st message 2.- highlight 1st message with color frame + instant scroll button.
replied 2247d
But an option to mute people on your side would be a good idea.
replied 2247d
Memo++ *wink* *wink*
replied 2247d
What if you could choose your moderating crew?
replied 2247d
It can't be done as an opcode, cos memos are immutable. For filtering u have to tweak the UI side and u can add such things as moderation - selective show of memos
replied 2248d
no, not control the topic. I just propose to add option to pin first message. Creator can pin it if its important in case of rules or to describe purpose, or not to pin.
replied 2248d
That's an option. Though the pinned message could never be changed.
replied 2247d
OR, let us instantly scroll to top to see what the original topic discussion was about?
replied 2247d
Yep, this is a good idea.
replied 2247d
Could be pay to pin, outbid or pay again to unpin
replied 2238d
would be interesting with large established topics a few years from now.
replied 2248d
Its a good point. On other hand topics name couldn't be changed too. as option unpin if not actual anymore.