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I am Satoshi
If CSW is satoshi and has nearly unlimited funds then he is letting ABC dig their own grave by getting their chain longer. He is committing them to battle.
replied 2304d
He is just a fraud. He should be ignored, so we can start building and increasing adoption again.
I am Satoshi
replied 2304d
I can see it from both sides, he may be a fraud, but I know the majority is often wrong, and the majority is against him. Just think for a minute, what if he was???
replied 2304d
I honestly don't care.
I am Satoshi
replied 2303d
Your money represents your work, so what your saying is you don't care about your work, or you don't hold any coins that you worked for..
replied 2303d
I don't care who is Satoshi, that was my point. The coins and money I have, has been earned with hard work. I am not a socialist parasite.
En Fri Mand
replied 2304d
I have thought exactly the same. Though I came to the conclusion this time that the community was very smart this time.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2304d
Where transactions no longer commit to the signatures that created their inputs."-Tom Harding
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2304d
"I see ABC has begun distinguishing txid and txhash in this release. I wonder if this means they are working on a segwit-style malfix fork.
replied 2304d
Ya can't ignore your competition
replied 2304d
Share a link you what you build?
I am Satoshi
replied 2304d
As a sane man (or woman) you should consider your bias and contemplate the fact that you have been wrong in the past, and will be wrong in the future at some point.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2304d
This is actually not fun to watch because I know personally that Roger is a nice guy. As we speak he's making the decision whether to bankrupt his business/get sued or let SV win.
I am Satoshi
replied 2304d
Roger is great. This has nothing to do with him. He is just cannon fodder,,,,collateral damage. Roger is not a major part of this war, he is just the poor bastard on front line.
replied 2298d
Poor bastard? LOL. You're delusional.
I am Satoshi
replied 2297d
When you start a business and grow it, you sometimes end up in odd positions. If you have ever owned a business you would understand. He didn't choose so much as end up to be here
replied 2297d
Oh...I have.
I am Satoshi
replied 2296d
Your comment means you have not. When you own a business you end up in a position with your staff and business that you will need to pivot from, Ver is in a position he didn't design
replied 2295d
Dude, I have had several businesses. One I had for 9 years with 40 employess. Now I have two smaller businesses doing investments (real estate and stocks and crypto).
I am Satoshi
replied 2295d
And you have never found yourself in a position where you followed the wrong accountant, lawyer, or partner to a point where you would have never ended up without bad advice??
replied 2294d
I have seen much incompetency and bad advice. Luckily nothing that I followed up on. I have a very good nose for greedy / shady people. Anyway, I disagree that Ver is misguided.
I am Satoshi
replied 2294d
My point was that Roger is a good dude, doing no harm, and ended up in a position he didn't plan to end up. This was not his goal. That's my point.
replied 2291d
Except from nChain/CSW, I don't think ending up in this situation was anyones plan/wish. This is also why I will always have a bad taste when/if BSV becomes a significant cc.
I am Satoshi
replied 2295d
If you have ever run a business this has happened to you, if not your either super lucky, or to stupid to have seen it happen. (not calling you stupid, just saying it has happened)
I am Satoshi
replied 2304d
I think he has other options, nothing ends if SV wins. He just picked the wrong friends. He will be forgiven if he admits he was wrong
replied 2304d
He will say anything he thinks can bring him power. He is a predator and a psychopath.
I am Satoshi
replied 2304d
Roger Ver has done more for crypto than just about anyone but Satoshi or Gavin,,, He is an awesome person and may be selfishly working, but at least he is working.
replied 2242d
He's been successfully undoing his good work for the past 2 months now.
replied 2227d
Retards have been undoing his work in my opinion.

First the #CultOfCore that sabotaged BTC and recently the #CultOfCraig which attacked BCH.
replied 2226d
I thought #CultofCraig was over when BCH split and the BCH devs started minding their own business?
replied 2226d
It will be over when the personality cult around Craig ceases to exist.
replied 2226d
That doesn't exist, it exists in your head only... and heads of other stupid people who can't look past CSW's personality. Do you get it now? Naaa.... maybe one day, when hell freezes over? :-)
replied 2226d
If you want to call that BSV attacked BCH, let me remind you this could only be true if you accept the fact that BCH is ABC's shitcoin now, same how BTC is Core's shitcoin. BSV is the actual Bitcoin... let me reat again for your stupid brain: BITCOIN SV IS THE ONLY BLOCKCHAIN THAT GOES BACK TO BITCOIN'S GENESIS BLOCK AND WORKS LIKE A BITCOIN SYSTEM.... do you get it? Did you get a "click" in that brain of yours? I guess not... this is why YOU WILL ALWAYS SAY STUPID... Mr Legendary Twat
replied 2304d
Working hard doesnt help if you dont work smart. Roger Ver has a hard time understanding the word collaboration. He is promoting Marco Coino in every video but never
replied 2304d
There are a lot more places listed on Marco Coino than
replied 2303d
If you had ever checked the places listed on Marco Coino you would realize that many of them are useless services. BMAP.CASH promotes only Restaurants, Bars, Supermarkets & Hotels!
replied 2303d
I have checked. So I guess like Nail Salons, and Barber shops and many others don't count.
replied 2303d
Exactly! First we have to satisfy the needs for survival which are food & accomodation. Nearly nobody is living exclusively on #bitcoin outside the matrix, because they cant!
replied 2303d
Well that's why Marco Coino is better and why Roger Ver promotes it. It needs to have everything listed. It's why I look at Marco Coino and not Bitcoin Map.
I am Satoshi
replied 2304d
If I was I would look on marco coino and post the locations.
replied 2303d
Many of the places on Marco Coino are services, Roger Ver has probably never checked the map, when he was so excited about Slovenia, most of them are the same hairdresser franchise.
replied 2229d
Frankly bmap is a usability disaster. Initial load with animation is too slow. I have to press Cmd+scroll to zoom-in. Map is not in English. Places don't have addresses or phones..
replied 2304d
Try getting to him on twitter through one of his people.
replied 2299d
Yea roger keeps giving free bitcoin away in all his YouTube videos, he works tirelessly to help the bch ecosystem and has done more than most people to help bitcoin grow.
replied 2299d
And people hate him, cause it's hurting their store of value. LOL
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2303d
All roger did was buy a bunch of bitcoins at $1. Thats it.
I am Satoshi
replied 2303d
Roger gave away more bitcoins than most of us will ever own. Would you agree he has given away more bitcoin than you own?? he has me beat for sure and I have a lot of coins.
replied 2303d
That's a trick question
I am Satoshi
replied 2303d
we all know he has given away hundreds of bitcoins, unless your a millionaire right now the answer is he has given away more than you have.
replied 2303d
Roger is a good man
replied 2303d
Roger has been “marketing/promoting” bitcoin. He is the guy going around telling and showing people what bitcoin is and how to use it. He has done much more than buy bitcoin at $1
replied 2303d
Yeah I would like to see you out there everyday pitching BCH and handing out BCH to hundreds of people.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2303d
Roger is a LARP. He was compromised a long time ago. He is controlled oppostion.
Look at all the damage he has caused. All over an opcode nobody asked for.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2303d
I been thinking about this a lot. I have a few theories, but I'll keep them to myself for now.
replied 2303d
Would definitely love to hear some! Please share when it's time
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2303d
One big hint is that he says doesn't believe in nations or borders and most importantly - patent law. Also he's an "anarchist" from San Francisco siding with Chinese billionaires.
replied 2303d
What did you do lose your house betting on Margin?
replied 2303d
The damage HE caused? LOL.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2303d
If you're not a Bitmain Shill and you are interested in whats happening you should watch this video.
replied 2302d
Most of his finger pointing, points right back at himself. The irony is thick here.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2303d
You basically described a puppet.
replied 2303d
LMAO. He has a mission to make money for the world. A puppet would be a naive complainer such as yourself.
replied 2303d
Also just funding and investing in most of the Bitcoin startups back then, being a major player in Bitcoin adoption. No big deal right?
En Fri Mand
replied 2303d
Also he has promoted it a lot
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2303d
Roger was legit once upon a time. But has since been compromised.
En Fri Mand
replied 2303d
By whom? And what makes you think that?
replied 2303d
He is just misguided. Perhaps by his own mind. Perhaps by Jihan, who knows.
replied 2303d
He is dedicated however he is misguided ATM. I don't follow him any more.
replied 2304d
Yes - I meant CSW...
replied 2304d
Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.
I am Satoshi
replied 2304d
agreed but not many homeless wake up one day and become millionaires, Roger is a millionaire a few times over, that means he already knows a few things. odds are in his favor
replied 2304d
For the record, this comment was directed at CSW - not Roger Ver - I very much like Roger.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2304d
Well thank God satoshi isn't a pussy.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2304d
He's been telling everyone in no uncertain terms exactly what he plans to do, for months. This is so that when he actually does it and people lose a ton of money, he's not liable.
En Fri Mand
replied 2304d
But what happened to the pool supposed to prevent Segwit?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2304d
I think that he assumed miners would join but the price pump of BTC was too good an opportunity to pass up for most of 'em. Plan B is just buying an f-ton of hash and mining themselves
replied 2304d
No arguement here. Just ad hominem. Typical core troll.
replied 2304d
Sorry I meant CSW. If you have been around here for a while you would know that I am not a core troll.
replied 2304d
Bad choices have grave consequences.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2304d
Even if CSW is only a very early miner, his stash will be considerable. Selling Satoshi coins is the "nuclear option", I don't think it will be necessary. There are many attack vectors
I am Satoshi
replied 2304d
I agree,, but for ABC to think this war is over is weak minded. This war has not started. ABC changed the protocol "for the defense of the people" how many times will they?
replied 2304d
ABC coin is a monument to how utterly bereft in understanding their supporters are in economics, value, efficacious effects, and all virtues.
I am Satoshi
replied 2304d
After watching this unfold I think we should make the protocol simple and lock it down, and let people build from there, a steady foundation to compete from.. someone already said that
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2304d
hahaha, I know it's so brazen. Coin flip on weather Jihan comes in to prop up the ABC corpse. The big names declaring victory so soon do a huge disservice to their followers.
replied 2304d
Most people don't give a rats butt about the hash war. All they care about is using BCH. Which right now you can't do if they are on an exchange or coinbase.Cart is waiting on
I am Satoshi
replied 2304d
Most people are ignorant of the situation, and the damage is a problem. What if you paid in BCH on ABC but your payment later gets reversed or doesn't exist???
replied 2304d
Yes. Most people don't understand blockchain. And if it's money, they shouldn't have to worry about if they are going to lose their money or not. This is a major problem.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2304d
ABC has hard-coded a fork like this for every 6 months. If miners don't like their changes we'll get the same situation we have today. Basically, if ABC wins it'll be a dictatorship.
replied 2304d
The major reason for a fork every 6 months is to scale. They need to do it as quickly as possible so it's ready for adoption. Developers need to do a better job of agreement.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2304d
That's a myth. People must let go of the concept that they need to run a "node" at home and let miners and larger institutions run backbone quality servers(like SN said).
replied 2304d
Then why does CSW say they need to keep scaling until they get to no limit?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2304d
CSW has been saying over and over for years, miners need to be running $20k state of the art server nodes connected to backbone quality internet. If you can't afford it, join a pool!
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2304d
Uncapping the block size is not controversial to any miner who is committed to ABC long-term. Keeping the block size capped so that we can "scale" IS controversial to a lot of miners.
replied 2304d
So then why is CSW so adamant about going to 128 MB instead of just uncapping the block size now?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2304d
I'm not 100% sure but I think there needs to be a bit of a code re-write to get it completely off. Could also be an excuse for one more hardfork to get the last of the old opcodes back
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2304d
The fastest internet in the world can download a terabyte in .03 seconds. To scale, there needs to be a "race to the top" for processing and internet speeds, not just hashing power.
I am Satoshi
replied 2304d
I agree, damage is being done. I expected huge gains in crypto this year, now I am putting that off for 2 or 3 years. 2021 looks good.
I am Satoshi
replied 2304d
The worst part is that they declare victory but don't really explain how they did it, they changed the protocol !!! how do people not understand that this breaks the whole system.
I am Satoshi
replied 2304d
if you change the protocol one then you will do it again..
replied 2304d
If CSW is Satoshi then my views on Bitcoin and BCH are devalued immensely.
I am Satoshi
replied 2303d
Satoshi is just a man like all of us, happened to write down a good idea, that doesn't mean he is perfect. Ford was an asshole, so was Rockefeller. Doesn't make them less valuable.
replied 2303d
Also, its pretty sad that it took him 10 years to come back to "his" vision
replied 2304d
First you engage them, then when they start to struggle you take them down
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2304d
I envision a person being squeezed to death by a boa constrictor. The minute you stop fighting, it's over.