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replied 2311d
No, its not centralisation. One can create other shitcoins or split the chain but needs to fight it out with SV miners, by putting in their own money where their mouth is & doing PoW
replied 2310d
One entity owning 70%+ of the hashrate is not centralization? What happens after the fork? One entity has 100% hashrate. This is like fiat. An entity has the power to print money.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2310d
You clearly never read the white paper.
replied 2310d
One entity doesn't own 70% of the hash rate.
replied 2310d
Do you need a source? Google?
replied 2310d
Can any miner prevent others from mining also? They can't. That's why there is no centralisation. Central banks are because they are only entity that have ability to create money.
En Fri Mand
replied 2310d
The person with the power can can orphan new miners blocks.
replied 2310d
With central banks, they are only entity having this power, no one else has it. In Bitcoin this is not the case. That's why Bitcoin isn't centralised even if only 1 person is mining it
replied 2310d
Of it is only a couple pools mining CSW's ShitVision coin then it is centralised. BSV can fork off and take its mining power. BCH doesnt need them.
replied 2310d
You still don't understand what centralisation is. It is power of some entity to prevent others doing what they are doing, its having one rule for one entity & another rule for others
replied 2310d
No that is not what centralisation is. Centralisation is having majority hash under one miner/mining pool.
replied 2310d
Nope, that is not centralisation. As I said, you don't understand this at all.
replied 2310d
they will never understand...