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White men are people too
2071d · Memo Suggestions
The character limit seems to have a tendency to make discussion shallow and based on cheap points. Is there a good discussion/explanation of why the limit must be this small?
replied 2057d
Currently Memo messages use a single transaction which has a limit. Eventually we plan to support multiple transactions for longer messages.
replied 2056d
Dude, that is sweet !
replied 1828d
I would love this feature. Please prioritize it ❤
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2056d
Does the multiple TXs feature require canonical TX ordering?
replied 2056d
Nothing planned for Memo requires any changes to BCH, other than increasing the block size :)
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2056d
HUZZAH for that.
replied 2056d
How didn't I think of it...