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replied 2337d
I am offering sources that contradict your opposing argument.
Unlike you only offering tin foil hat conspiracy theories
replied 2337d
MetalBrushes, who are you virtue signalling to? Is it a guy who's dick, soaked in your very own faeces, blood and colon secretions, you like to suck? Seek help, U R ill!
replied 2332d
Only vaginal secretions are safe for consumption. (Joking). People are arguing for what is perverted and not, but nobody asks: Is it wrong to be perverted? (My answer: No, not really).
replied 2331d
I mean, you call yourself "ex·cre·ment" I would be surprised if you answered any differently.
replied 2337d
Your sources are as good as using the scientific studies of the Catholic Church during the Inquisition. Abandoning studies because of propaganda is everything but science.
replied 2337d
Ok your pointless to talk to. Your like one of those people who believe the earth is flat even though there is definitive proof that it is round.
Have fun tin foil hat boy. Bye
replied 2337d
Have fun with your "pseudo" science unintested by truth and the mentally ill people who refuse to get illed at ALL cost :)
replied 2337d
Because psychology, Biology and Science are all “Pseudo Science”.... :/
Your willfully ignorant. What a waste.
replied 2337d
You are the one ignoring basic biological facts about reproduction. Not me :)
replied 2337d
“Animal sexual behaviour may be tied more strongly to establishment and maintenance of complex social bonds across a population which support its success in non-reproductive ways.”
replied 2337d
lmao yeah sure. "May" but most probably not. Just a bunch of gays trying hard to justify their illness by finding other illness cases in nature.
replied 2337d
Yup over 450 different species engage in regular homosexual behaviour and in your eyes the LGBTQ community cherry picked that fun fact only to support thei cause.
Common Lady!
replied 2337d
There is no scientific argument in there. 450 species is litterally a drop in the ocean. And also the term "regular" is used the same way that flu is a "regular" illness.
replied 2336d
Bacteria (the majority of species) exchange DNA across species. #scandalous
replied 2332d
There are plenty of examples of inter-species breeding in nature as well. But that don't make it right! (Don't make it wrong either).
replied 2336d
Are you telling me they can turn your chromosomes from XY to XX?
replied 2331d
u r simultaneously arguing against an appeal to nature (other species are homosexual) while making an appeal to nature (reproduction, the natural purpose of sex, is the only moral sex)
replied 2330d
Homosexuality in other species is still an illness. Most if not all human illnesses can also be found elsewhere in other species.
replied 2329d
replied 2335d
that is not at all what that means
replied 2337d
In addition to homosexual behaviours, a range of species masturbate and may use objects as tools to help them to do so.
replied 2332d
I think masturbation is pretty common among human men, that is one common perverted thing to do. So common that some see it as perverted to 100% avoid.
replied 2337d
*Refuse to get cured