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were gonna talk a while about BSV .here we go....Satoshi craig wright wants to shoot me who cares 1000s do hah hah but you know the uk courts are gonna slam him in a perjury case...the next step is that they the far right want to try and claim that the Bitcoin sv foundation are running on a contraband version of BITCOIN....which they are and wait for this try to shut down BITCOIN FOUNDATION on the grounds that its not a legit white this may turn out to be shit talk then again they can try .BITCOIN SV could be underwritten by a number of future court cases.....ONE THING for sure they are both freightned to death by BITCOIN SV and the service industrys..For those that dont know this BICOIN SV Foundation actually acknowledge CRAIG WRIGHT AS SATOSHI go google their site for yourselves,In law it is not illegal to have a gang where everybody calls themselves SATOSHI The problem is though BITCIN SV COULD PERHAPS be slammed for proclaiming CRAIG WRIGHT AS SATOSHI .....