I will make this simple for you. At 30 yards away would you rather try and avoid a truck or an AR-15? Vehicles are far less effective, therefore not used very much.
Streets with people celebrating are usually blocked off now. You wouldn't be able to get a truck in. But you could certainly get an Ar-15 in. Stupid argument.
point is if people want to kill another person (or many people) they will find a way. knife and acid attacks are up in london (should we all wear hazmat suits or carry base?!)
The minute you compare a knife with a high powered rifle you are douche. Yes people die everyday by different types of weapons. We are talking about mass killings Give it up douche Bag
Look you can spin whatever you want. But the fact is America has the most guns, and America has the most mass shootings. That is fact. More guns = More shootings period.
Haven't verified numbers, but would guess that smaller % of black Americans own guns due to social criminalization of it. So only bad guys own for the most part, thus the murder rate.
You're not lying. It warms the cockles of my heart every time I visit my range in the Deep South. There're always blacks & whites exercising our rights together & there's camaraderie.
US has highest # of Mex & Central Amer. immigrants & high % of citizens of African ancestry in non-African nation. Are those causing shootings also? Correlation ≠ causation.