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2382d · Capitalism
The more closely black and white live together physically, the more they tend to self segregate and the more negative they view the other group.
replied 2382d
addresses by colored by race dot map of San Francisco
replied 2381d
That is a good example, here is another looking at increased self segregation at higher socioeconomic classes,
replied 2381d
are they saying socioeconomic status determines self segregation more than race or both contribute to self segregation?
replied 2381d
hmm, thanks
replied 2381d
It goes well with the tendency in Sweden where the native people who are most in support of multiculturalism/diversity are those who moved to get away from it. It is about the signal.
replied 2381d
lol didn't know that about Sweden (link or data pls? not like I expect it to exist), but see the same with rich liberals in coastal enclaves in the US (Malibu, Martha's Vineyard).
replied 2381d
It is in general important to see not how people talk, but how they vote with their feet, and in Sweden there are growing sectors where there are no natives but you can not speak up /a
replied 2381d
There are data on the effect of diversity, there was a Norwegian scientist that sat on the data for years because the result was that it destroyed trust and cohesion, great cost but /1
replied 2381d
Does not actually mean that they have more favorable views, only that they express that their choice was based on other considerations, a sort of assurance to others not a fact /02
replied 2381d
I have to water down my claim a bit, it is more fair to say that swedes that move away from diverse areas claim that it was despite the diversity, not because of diversity but that /01
replied 2381d
ok thanks, dang was hoping to find a study/data about this, but like you said the data is probably buried if taken at all.
replied 2381d
Sweden is pretty bad in recent years since they opened their borders in an act of something,
replied 2381d
because it will cost your job and social status, you risk losing it all and even be taken to court/jail as statements negative about other races are illegal, even if true or art /b
replied 2381d
He decided to eventually publish the data after some time not being able to disprove himself and the conclusion was that this was how it was now, but the hope was that it could change.
replied 2381d
I do not think it is a study other than the observed tendency, there are about white flight in general and it being correlated with political leaning not actual lived experience.
replied 2381d
While people in actually diverse places (southwest, south) getting along or working though differences. (Open borders/illegal immigration being different than racial diversity).
replied 2381d
Sure, because they have a common culture and they are working class faced with the universal struggle of every day life, the problem is multiculturalism and lack of assimilation.
replied 2381d
A lot of the vitriol and outrage comes from people outside the states that look in and spin some story about there being a caste system of sorts, but there are no borders inside US.
replied 2381d
dont really read international news but I could see this. I imagine this happens looking into most countries from the outside.
replied 2381d
It mostly comes from countries that are small and not diverse in culture or race, so they see that over half of the convicted murderers is black and conclude that police is racist.
replied 2381d
notice a similar general trend in US. People in very white states (pacific northwest, NH) advocating for diversity but not living it. (All talk no action).
Krazy King
replied 2382d
The opposite attracts? Does it not?
Krazy King
replied 2382d
I disagree, brother, after seeing so many different groups mixed together over time, black and white WILL homogenize, given time of course
replied 2382d
There has been a huge shift in acceptance of mixed race in the US in particular, but there is little change in actual interracial marriages,
replied 2382d
Little change? If it goes from 1% to 2%, that's a 100% increase.
Krazy King
replied 2382d
Yes, but let's compare this to some of the more conservative countries around the world
Krazy King
replied 2382d
You would be challenged to find any increase in a country as conservative as Iran or as enclosed as the kingdom of North Kores
Krazy King
replied 2382d
*disclaimer: In an interracial marriage
replied 2381d
About half of people do no think interracial marriage makes any difference to society, neither good or bad, and I think that is a sensible position to take. It is personal choice only.
replied 2381d
A general trend over time towards more acceptance, data from here
replied 2381d
Yes, in US it is Blacks that is least accepting of relatives intermarrying 14% disapproval compared to white (the most accepting) at 4% disapproval.