Yes, the product is cheaper, which allows for the company to make money. This means the company can invest in expanding that company. It is never just piled up for the owner.
They "can" and "could" but they don't always do that. This is a fact. You & others always assume capitalist will reinvest this capital to make bigger and better things, well they don't
They always do invest the money. If they dont invest what they have then they lose money to inflation. It may not be invested in the company, but could be in general stocks.
How exactly do you think some people get to have billions in their short lifespan? Work on their own and earning it from their own work? Come one mate, this is children's fairy tale.
They earn it. Being worth billions doesnt mean having it in the bank account. That is the value of heir assets and investments. This is why their value can swing so wildly.
They don't earn it, to earn something means you have to have done all the work yourself, if you've done 1/2 of the work & someone else other 1/2, other person should earn from it also.
Work is only one issue. What about the initial investment? You dont think the owner should be compensated for what they did? Then no companies will come, and no one will have work.
Capitalism doesn't work this way at all. It is one sided, it is centralised decision making and have extremely unfair rewards distribution (and few other negative things).