There is. Kindly speaking, the more people use the single protocol, the stronger the network effect. BlockPress just copied Memo to get the ‘inventors glory’.
Yeah, I see that. I still didn't realize there would necessarily be animosity. I like Memo better anyways...
If people don't call out BullShit happening within the Bitcoin Cash chain then it will just b easily corrupted by another BlockStream type group. @taowanzou has already xplained issue.
Then call out the bullshit with the assumption that I might desire to be on your side of the debate - which I am. There's no reason to make enemies of people who may just be ignorant.
The only enemies I have on Memo are those that post somethin on the Memo Protocol and then post the same thing on the BlockPress Protocol or Vice Versa. Memo Protocol only or GTFO BCH!
Don't tell us! Tell the BlockPISS fuckheads with ur BlockPISS account you like Memo better and you will not be posting your shit there until they agree to use the Memo Protocol for BP!
Fuck u Kurt! Pick a side u flip floppn' double spendin' BCH! Not sorry Memo isn't the cum soaked, wet dream, echo chamber vision of your hippy utopia! People differ inthought here BCH!