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replied 2310d
Sk8eM dUb
Ah, if you collect it it isn't a service, so you wouldn't pay for it. People do that kind of thing already to reduce their water bill.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2310d
replied 2310d
Yeah, and that is kind of stupid. What does it have to do with anything?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2309d
I saw an earlier post where you claimed to know intimately all the anti-climate change arguments. The fact that you don't know where I'm headed with this exposes your ignorance.
replied 2309d
Considering all the multitrillion dollar companies that see going clean as a threat it becomes easy to see why you get lone scientists saying climate change is a lie. It is money.
replied 2309d
I know the denier propaganda because I was one for years. I started to realise the deniers were wrong though after being exposed to more of the data. Deniers like to cherry pick.
replied 2309d
I never said I didn't know where you are going. Scientists are not telling people to have less babies. There is huge difference between the data and a journalists writings.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2310d
Ok so if I want to heat my home with fire wood do I need to pay a CO2 tax? Do I have to pay a tax for exhaling? What about for having a child?
replied 2310d
Depends on your country. In Canada the proposed carbon tax would only be for companies. You get a child tax benefit for children. I get almost half my income tax back for my three kids
replied 2309d
taxes on companies are ultimately paid for by increased prices to the consumer.
replied 2309d
Yes, this is true. Cap n trade is the best solution. Carbon taxes help disincentives sectors that would be best to see fail.
replied 2309d
you want those sectors to fail but they are responsible for modern life. so what is the trade off? greatly improved life, & some env impact? or 1900's life & no env impact?
replied 2309d
The change would require investment, but is an investment that would lower future costs. We know that climate change will require costly actions. The less climate change the less cost.
replied 2307d
No, you are convinced they need to fail and you feel entitled to tell the rest of us what is good for us. Fossil fuels are the easiest tech to become developed.
replied 2307d
It isn't about entitlement. You underestimate the damage their industry does. In the very least we need to use a carbon tax to make them pay for some of their damage.
replied 2307d
So by all means force developing nations to stop using it.
replied 2309d
We need the fossil fuel industry to fail, not want. It got us here, but is no longer required, and actually costs more than alternatives. The problem is the momentum the industry has.
replied 2307d
you dont know what the future needs of society will be. eg there are ancillary techs associated with all types of energy that may become useful in the future.
replied 2307d
I do though. We know that climate change will be a problem. We know it will cause massive future costs. So the longer the fossil fuel industry stays the more future debt we have.
replied 2307d
banning the practice now limits future knowledge.