Socialism is response to Capitalism which is needed in order to balance things out because capitalism is natively unbalanced, one sided & exploitative system (why Socialism is needed)
Imagine if miners could get rewards for work they didn't do... that is what capitalist system allows, by default. Capitalism is PoS system, Communism & Bitcoin are PoW systems.
PoW is like with Bitcoin mining, in Bitcoin miners are like workers, each owns their own hashing power (like their own energy which comes from their money), in one system (business)...
Its communistic because in communism there is no capitalist or state to take their cut of profits. Wealth workers produce from their own work goes to the workers instead.
Communism = workers (collective) ownership of means of production. Capitalism = Private ownership of means of production. State Capitalism = State ownership of means of production
You can own your body, but your body need food and water etc to sustain itself, In this society you also need more (money to buy materialistic things), so you depend on money.
You can get money 3 ways, work for capitalist, be the capitalist or steal. Capitalism is legal form of money theft, same as private central banks having control of money is legal theft
When you work for capitalist, the capitalist owns your work, fully, you come to work, you are productive for the capitalist, and you go home, you don't own anything you produced.
The capitalist then sells the things you produced for higher price, which is subjective value for each user/consumer & worker gets small share of that value, capitalist takes the rest.
Capitalist has some cost, but he gets profits for himself, from work & energy he did not provide. Only reason workers do this is because system is setup this way & people are fooled.
People are fooled because this is what the system teaches you is normal practice even desired practice, because they claim Capitalism is Free Markets and other garbage.
The system then also feeds you all kinds of propaganda and mind trick through advertising, education system and social engineering of society to work hard etc, or try to be like them.
It means again, you are fed 2 choices, to try to join their club and become a capitalist, be part of their exploitative club and exploit others, or be exploited. But there's 3rd option
It is Communist system, where everyone needs to work and earn money from their own work only. This ensures no exploitation happens, which results in more healthy society & its values.
Capitalism is a system for people who are greedy, who lack empathy, who want to be rules, who feel they are better then the rest of us (because they feel superior), who are PSYCHOPATHS
And it is exactly these kinds of people who have used this system, and previous ones, all of which are exploitative also, to enrich themselves, then use that wealth to fuck us over.
Actual Communism is economic system in which the workers own and control (collectively, in democratic way) means of production. I have answered your other 2 questions on
LOL, this is your argument? This is bull shit. I read your desperate explanations and I can confirm, you have no idea wtf you are talking about - #capitalism nor #communism.
How do you define communism? I am against communism. I define it as when government has total control and ownership of all property. It's disastrous for human life.
if someone doesn't do any work, they should not be getting any rewards, its that simple. Monarchs get wealth from others, capitalist do also, the state does also, feudalist also.
This is why all of these system are exploitative, because there is always a person or group of people who take wealth that is generated from work of others. They are parasitic systems.
If miner hires people to maintain his machines, its still the machines that do the work, and other people are providing him with a service for which they get paid for fully....
...unless those workers have some middle man also that will take a cut of their earnings (which is what managers do etc). The process of mining is still done by miner himself.
It also seems, you have no idea what's the point of different roles are in a business and how businesses operate. Again, this is the core reason, why idiots think communism is good.
See, if someone else does the work to produce something, which is sold at some price later, if that person doesn't get all the value they produced, it means someone took a cut.
Miner would not be using other people to mine Bitcoin, he would be using their maintenance service. His miners (machines) which come from him only, are the ones that do the mining work
Each miner finds blocks (which is regulated by the system/code and not by some individual or group of people, the way capitalists do) proportionally to amount of work they do...
..& they proportionally get rewards in form of block reward (which is with time meant to be slowly replaced by transaction fees). in Communist business (worker coop) its same principle
Communism is economic system in which means of production is owned by the workers themselves, not the state (which is State Capitalism) or some individual (which is what Capitalism is)
Ed (and other commie lunatics), do you own a #business or do you work for someone? (or do are you a trust-fund baby like most famous #communist usually are)
Each worker should get rewarded (in form of a wage) proportionally with amount of work they have done. If someone doesn't do any work, they should get no reward (like share holders)
Workers should democratically and collectively make all decisions, like any healthy community does, and decide what to produce, how, how much each person should get paid etc.
Naturally some jobs are more demanding them others, and this should be taken into account, point being is, there is no 1 person that makes all these decisions, but all workers do.
How is it not exploitative if Capitalist doesn't work, pays someone to be CEO, director, manager etc & all work is done by other people, yet capitalist takes profits?
They get profits because they control decision making, decide how much to pay workers (of course always less then what worker produces otherwise there is nothing in it for them) etc
Take business with 10000 workers, in such business owner doesn't even work in it. Any share holder doesn't work in it, yet they get profits... why? This is what PoS system is based on.
Workers are paid, but wealth they produce is not paid to them fully, capitalist takes his cut, which increases with productivity (thanks for technology). How is this not exploitative?
You're talking about the current system? It's not capitalist (unless you mean it that way); it's corporatist. And yes, corporatism is extremely exploitative... because of taxation.
..things like education and health for everyone, infrastructure, etc so that these things are not privately owned so that capitalists don't profit from them, they shouldn't be private.
When you have business with multiple people working in it, and they are all collectively making decisions and share profits, that is a communist business, or worker cooperative.
In Capitalism you don't own your labor, capitalist does. Capitalist is person that owns a business in which other people work and are not equal members of the business.
Well, corporations are capitalist businesses, no one calls them capitalist businesses because no one wants to or dares calling it by real name as no one dares go against the system.
How is "capitalist" the proper name? And are you not aware of the thousands and potentially million of people who say the exact same thing you're saying? No, it's NOT no-one.
Socialism is political set of ideas (not economic as it doesn't define means of production, communism does that) which says that the progressive taxation should pay for social things..
Progressive means increases % wise with amount of profit / earning, this ensures no one get stupidly rich at expense of others, it balances massive wealth taken by the capitalist.
Socialism is political ideology because its used in politics (which governs taxation, health education, infrastructure etc) & its not direct economic system (doesn't define production)
Social things is what any liberal / progressive / democratic / modern society should have, what people fought for against oppression, poverty, exploitation etc.
Capitalism has only 1 definition, it is private ownership of means of production, it is not Free Markets or Competition as those are not rules of the system but advertised outcomes.