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White men are people too
replied 2283d
I am repeating my message until you hear it. You are repeating your message after I have said you are just repeating stuff I have answered. Two very different things
replied 2283d
I was repeating my message until you would hear it. You wont though because you cant let go of bad ideas.
White men are people too
replied 2283d
You repeat something over and over after being told you are just repeating, and when opposition has to repeat that you are just repeating you cry foul? Intellectually honest?
replied 2283d
Which is it, was I repeating the reasons, or jotngivjng reasons. You cant have it both ways.
White men are people too
replied 2283d
You were repeating the same fallacy over and over. Call it reasons if you like, but there was no explanation.
replied 2283d
That is not how you use the word fallacy. Especially in response to your false equivalency.