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2120d · QAnon
not big on q but no reason they should be banned, censored, or silenced. this censorship is getting out of hand.
replied 2119d
The power that be would not be afraid of made up stories that don't hold legs.
replied 2120d
Exactly. I mean, it's not like the internet is a family friendly zone anyway.
replied 2119d
no. not at all. never was & never should be. not to mention, if q is such an obviously crazy, harebrained larp there should be no need to ban... unless its not so crazy. 🤔
replied 2119d
It's Steve Bannon and co. continuing the plots of his other site in the same style. He is on record explaining his media strategy, and how he systematically creates fanatics.
replied 2119d
Bannon is q or is driving the censorship?
replied 2118d
Bannon is q
replied 2118d
ahh, interesting thought. haven't heard this before.
replied 2119d
Or maybe they were directing their users to promote violence (not saying its true, but a possible scenario for an acceptable ban).
replied 2118d
Further, it is wrong to ban the entire community for threats made by individuals. If there are individuals making threats, ban the individuals.
replied 2118d
We should be happy about this. Reddit is going the way of Digg before it. Only this time, there is memo, and that can't go down the same corporate path. If anything, lets encourage it.
replied 2117d
true. seeing memo mentioned on more subs as the backup & even ideal solution (distributed, uncensorable, etc)
replied 2118d
Also, we do not know if the threats were actually from members of the community or posted added as an excuse to ban the community.
replied 2117d
We also don't know if individual members made threats and the mods allowed/joined the individuals makings threats even after being warned about it.
replied 2119d
true, there are cases of promoting violence that have stayed up. & so far the banned subs are all right wing. so seems unlikely 🤷‍♀️?