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1400d · hmwyda - wishlists - China
#hmwyda wishlist:
This is the person or thing I hate and hate:

1:我的弟弟,已经30岁了没有工作,爸妈的退休工资还跟他买房以及装修,他还完全觉得理所当然,我恨他一点都不成器,不知道心疼亲人,更没有任何责任心,只顾自己。 5%
1: My brother is already 30 years old and has no job. His parents' retirement salary also buys houses and renovations from him. He still takes it for granted. I hate him for doing nothing. He didn't know that he loved his relatives, and he didn't have any sense of responsibility. He only cared about himself.

2:我的舅舅舅妈,外公外婆已经80多了90岁了,完全对他们老人家不管不顾,还要拿老人家辛苦种的粮食,没有任何孝心,关键对外还表现的很孝顺,其实老人家在过年的时候都没有吃到他们一次饭,真的很气愤。我希望所有不孝顺的人都老无所依,得到应有的报应。 3%
2: My uncle and aunt, grandpa and grandma are over 80 and 90 years old. They completely ignore their Old parents and take the food that the old parents have worked so hard to grow. There is no filial piety. The key is to be very filial to the outside world. In fact, Even during the Spring Festival, the old parents did not eat a meal they cooked. so I was really angry. I hope that all those who are not filial will be old and helpless and get the retribution they deserve.

3:赵斗顺,一个强奸犯,比直接杀人罪行更可恶,关键还刑满释放了,对被害人极不公平,更会引起社会恐慌,为什么要放出来祸害社会。 7%
3: Zhao Doushun, a rapist, is more abominable than direct murder. The key is to be released after serving his sentence. It is extremely unfair to the victim and will cause social panic. Why should he let it out to harm the society?
Relate News:

4:郭敬明,明明就是考抄袭出名,一开始还拒不承认,就是一个抄袭者。 6%
4: Guo Jingming, he was known for plagiarism, but he refused to admit it at the beginning. He was a plagiarism.
Relate News:

5:于正,抄袭琼瑶的作品,也是一个抄袭者。 5%
5: Yu Zheng, plagiarizing Qiong Yao's works is also a plagiarism.
Relate News:

6:拼多多,每次都在忽悠我们转发给朋友,为了0.02分,转了结果又得不了钱,完全被欺骗,希望能取缔它。 3%
6: Pinduoduo, every time we fiddled with us and forwarded it to friends. For 0.02 points, the result was transferred but I couldn't get any money. I was completely deceived, hoping to ban it.
Relate News:

7:万安社区卫生中心,完全不负责任,给一个一岁多的宝宝一次性打了两针不同的疫苗,导致小孩诱发癫痫,差点闹出人命。 6%
7: Wan'an Community Health Center, completely irresponsible, gave a one-year-old baby two shots of different vaccines at one time, causing the child to induce epilepsy and almost killed him.

8:我的丈母娘,一个只会乱花钱以及挑拨我们夫妻关系的人,如果再给我一次机会我绝不会进入她们这样一个家庭。 7%
8: My mother-in-law, a person who only spends money and provokes the relationship between our husband and wife, if I was given another chance, I would never enter their family.

9:四川博宇公司,拖欠我们货款几年,金额巨大,导致我在公司无法立足。 5%
9: Sichuan Boyu Company, defaulted on our payment for several years, and the amount was huge, which made me unable to establish a foothold in the company.

10:我的同事,一个上厕所不洗手,还满口谎话的人,我不知道世界上会有这样的人存在。 3%
10: My colleague, a person who doesn't wash his hands in the toilet and is full of lies. I don't know there will be such a person in the world.

11:我讨厌中国的中考特别是高考制度,把小孩应有的童年以及童真全部磨灭,现在的学生从小学开始压力实在太大,每天睡眠时间完全不够,生活比成年人忙碌压力比成年人大,所以很多家长都争取自家小孩外国留学,逃离中考或者高考。 6%
11: I hate China’s high school entrance examination, especially the college entrance examination system, which wipes out all the childhood and innocence that children should have. Nowadays, students are under too much pressure from elementary school, and they don’t have enough sleep time every day. Life is more busy than adults and more stressful than adults. Therefore, many parents strive for their children to study abroad and escape the high school entrance examination or the college entrance examination.

12:中国为什么不把幼儿园纳入义务教育,导致很多私立幼儿园价格高涨,公立幼儿园又没有名额入读,造成小孩入学难的问题,特别是我们这样一般的家庭,感觉亏欠孩子,没能让他上好的幼儿园。 7%
12: Why does China not include kindergartens in compulsory education, leading to high prices for many private kindergartens, and there are no places in public kindergartens, which makes it difficult for children to enter school, especially for ordinary families like us, feeling that they owe their children and fail to let them go Good kindergarten.
