Yes thank you for pointing out that few people want the live in the countries victimised by white imperialism colonialism capitalism and militarism. Your fucking racist pieces of shit.
You will never convince a racist to become a compassionate being by insulting him. Racists need education to realize they have been brainwashed. Educate them instead of judging them.
preferring your own race over invading one is completely normal. It happens everywhere in the nature. Brainwashing is when you think others are better & you must hate your own
You say you are sufficiently satisfied to live at the level of the consciousness of an animal. My dog also eats shit of other dogs and humans, how about copying that behaviour?
Nice try but this is not what I am saying at all. I am saying you leftist have really done a number on yourself. You have zero opposing arguments, just some "muh feelings" level BS.
What is a leftist? I use both of my arms and I can write with both. I speak from experience and reflection. That thing you are missing because you spend so much time copying others.
No, you ignorant commie fool, those countries are turned to shit by the local idiots born there. Travel beyond you county line for once. Then try a different country, a socialist one
LOL, when white man is in one of those miserable shitholes that have failed to build a functioning society in thousands of years, they prosper, when we leave it collapses back to shit