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replied 2364d
En Fri Mand
It does filter ads, even if you don't pay, but they don't see that as a sustainable solution. I agree BAT isn't cutting it, but BTC fees weren't compatible :)
En Fri Mand
replied 2363d
Even if you used btc or bch, how do you incentivise users to pay?
replied 2363d
That's a difficult problem. I think MoneyButton does a better job at it than Brave, as Brave focuse on publishers rather than users.
En Fri Mand
replied 2363d
Agree. Though I think Moneybutton would be better if it could display a QR code as a fallback. It's burdensome to have an extra seed to store just to use MoneyButton.
replied 2363d
replied 2363d
Isn't it a bit like a 2nd layer similar to LN?
replied 2362d

it was "just a jab at LN"
En Fri Mand
replied 2363d