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replied 2399d
How much is needed to get a passport?
replied 2399d
Here in the Philippines, it's approximately $125 dollars. it's kinda expensive
replied 2399d
@EndangeredCucumber that is a steep price for government-issued identification. It costs 56 USD in my country. How much are you short?
replied 2399d
Yep it is, I already have 0.02 bch given by framore and modulus, and I have $14 in my coinex account. so more likely I have $27, I think its enough, those 0.02 is big help,
replied 2399d
I don't want to bother anymore people though.
replied 2399d
Being first always gives opportunities. I believe you can do lots of great things being here on so early and would like to see you get more involved long-term in crypto.
replied 2399d
Thank you, I do have high hopes of cryptocurrencies and I believed that it will shape the economic future of my country. actually it's already recognize all we need is to support.
replied 2399d
Bring your friends on here. You know, because Metcalfe's law and all that jazz.
replied 2399d
I'll try my best to convince them to tell me their user so I can tag them along here, Thank you sir
replied 2399d
You bring 'em, we'll tip 'em.
replied 2399d
Will do sir