At that small of a situation it depends who can kill whom first.
So, it doesn't matter what the group wants, it matters who can kill whom first? When does it matter what the group wants and not who can kill whom first?
When you are talking about a few people, yes. Technically even at the large scale, yes. As log as we are not trying to kill one another then it becomes group decision making.
These are tiny numbers, but yes. I am not saying it would be right, but it is what would happen. I am treating these as questions of what is, not what should be.
So, killing people by mass vote is a form of group decision making? Wouldn't not killing by discussion also be such? How do you know murder or theft is what would happen (what is)?
If people decide to kill then someone dies. I'm not really sure what you are asking. I dont know what would happen. Again, I am not talking about what should happen.
Speculating? Sure. I am not saying there literally is a group of 100 deciding to kill someone. You asked of a group who decided to kill could kill. I am saying yes.