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If you are opposed to Bitcoin being used as cash, then you are opposed to Bitcoin.
replied 2479d
How often is cash used in the world? How often is "store of value" used?
People advocating btc do not want bitcoin to be used much!
Bitcoin (BCH) users want everyone to use it! BCH PLS
replied 2479d
follow me
replied 2480d
Nice to be able to reply to one of your posts withing having to deal with trolls and spam accounts. Good to see you post here!
replied 2479d
It's just a matter of time. I made a rough calculation I can make memo completely unusable for weeks for less than 100$. User driven way to filter information is desperately needed.
replied 2479d
replied 2479d
or adaptive reply prices like yours e.g. if you are a 'high profile' community member who is getting a lot of automated troll replies.. increase the price. Dashboard already filters.
replied 2480d
Love your passion for sound money.
replied 2479d
That'is exactly right, Bitcoin was created to be used as money, not as something else, not as settlement layer for system that allows the bankers to keep making money for doing nothing
replied 2480d
Great talk, clearly shows the differences between BTC and BCH. I think it would be impossible for a thinking person to remain a BTC-maximalist after watching this.

(Great MC too!)