When the owner doesnt work, the company often fails, or is sold. The profit is a tiny portion quite often. If the owner make 500 times more than you, but employs 50000 people...
Not true at all, thos os what CEOs, directors, managers do, capitalist of big businesses dont do jack shit, they only demand more profitability.
Not all companies even have that type of setup. Not all companies are on WallStreet. So are you speaking of small to mid level companies differently than multinationals?
I am talking about SYSTEM that allows all this. Some capitalists are shit some not so shit, some are even good people but system itself doesn't care what capitalist person is like.
Ah, you almost got back to reality. Some people are good, and some bad. The capitalist system helps make sure the bad ones still contribute to society.
Who are you to judge who is deserving? The system of capitalism helps the whole of society to improve though. That is an undeniable fact with the support of all the evidence.
Define who you are talking about when you use the word capitalist. Are you only speaking of investors? Majority share holders? The board? Middle management? This is far to vague.