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2382d · Communism
I dont undrstnd how ppl can look at a forest & see all of nature living in communal harmony. evrytng in the forest is competing over limited resources & to lose is to die. It is the freest market
replied 2351d
Nature demonstrates that everything in constant self interested free for all life-and-death competition over limited resources makes some spectacular results over time.
replied 2350d
yea, toughest proving ground but gets efficient, creative results.
replied 2350d
If it was possible to quantify the amount of suffering in nature in terms we could understand it would be extremely large, consider myself lucky to be born a human of all things.
replied 2349d
wonder what it would be like to be an extremely long lived tree though. 🌳
replied 2350d
It is seriously constrained by only being able to mold what came before, but wow what it has been able to do, bats flying with their fingers is my favorite adaption over time.
replied 2349d
true, though it seems human ideas & tech (thought of as things that evolve) are also constrained by what came before. cool about the bats!