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Sk8eM dUb
replied 2297d
The "dogging" strategy as described by CSW - Keep it moving until it's so exhausted that it falls over, then thump it on the head with a spear.
replied 2297d
Everyone is listing bchABC as bch. It's over
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2297d
Thats okay, SV will take the BTC ticker.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2297d
It's gonna be a crazy few months.
replied 2297d
FOR SV yes. SV price will be close to zero. Very little exchange support. No coinbase, NO Bitpay. BCH already has the traction. They just need to keep going.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2297d
you thank Rog and Jihan have the balls to dump it if their ABC chain has the risk of being re-org'd? Then instead of a million bitcoins they'll have ZERO.
replied 2297d
Not going to happen. CSW also has 1 million BCH. That's his safety net if SV fails.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2297d
Funny too because if the ABC people try to artificially prop up the price for PR purposes it just feeds CSWs war machine.
replied 2297d
No it doesn't. Only buyers and sellers dictate the price.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2297d
And he who sells first, nets the most. See you at the bottom!
replied 2297d
But you loaded up at 500 on the major squeeze? What happened to that? LMAO.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2297d
Stopped out
replied 2297d
Because you were more focused on a chart than what was going on in the community. You are better off playing one of those scam coins. The whole purpose is to follow charts.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2297d
Price going up before the fork would benifit ABC so I thought they'd squeeze it. Apparently they didn't have the cash so they're going for the exchange/social media takeover instead.
replied 2297d
Nobody knew what would happen with the fork. Uncertainty on both sides. The price is going down. Now that we do know. ABC price is aligning with BCH price.The uncertainty is lifting.
replied 2297d
🤖 1 BCH = 382.21$ 📉 -2.18%
Tips = fuel️
replied 2297d
🤖 1 BCH = 381.30$ 📉 -2.42%
Tips = fuel️
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2297d
Anyone buying ABC right now might as well just mail a donation cheque to nChain lol
replied 2297d
Yeah, like you've called them. LMAO. Sh*t I am going to double up now.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2297d
😂😂😂 good luck!
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2297d
You seem to have forgotten about BTC. I presume you're not much of a chess player are you?
replied 2297d
I would clean your clock. You must have forgotten that CSW thinks BTC will be gone by the end of next year. Or did you not know?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2297d
I'd take you up on the challenge if it wasn't so easy to cheat with an AI. It doesn't matter though, your stupidity is obvious enough for posterity to observe.
replied 2297d
Well you either agree with CSW or you call him a liar. Let's call him a liar. A dictator liar leading SV. Cause that's what he is. You are the dumb shit.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2297d
the first casualty of war is truth
replied 2297d
What are you doing, reading fortune cookies? LOL
replied 2297d
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2297d
It's gonna be a crazy few months.
replied 2297d
You keep telling yourself that matters. Go you!
replied 2297d
Srsly it can't keep going like that for months
The ecosystem is not ready for such hashwars, that's it
Even if in 200days SV has more PoW on it nobody will call that bch ...
En Fri Mand
replied 2297d
1) businesses can't just close down for several months because of waiting for the result of a war. Imagine the Visa network being down for multiple months and businesses ...
En Fri Mand
replied 2297d
2) can't accept any payments in this period. I think Visa would have lost their customers after that.
replied 2297d
But in theory everything can go on during this kind of wars, the whole ecosystem and the people are just no ready for such things I think. But in 200years it will be common
replied 2297d
Actually it's better to get the hashwars out now and build a more solid foundation. You Forget BCH has only been around a little over a year. It's still in infancy stage. 👶
I am Satoshi
replied 2297d
What if craig doesn't want to be called BCH, what if his plan is to be called BTC??
replied 2297d
At this point bch is just becoming a shitcoin. Miners didn't vote, and we have now 2 centralized chains
Even if I like a bit what want to do SV it's just over and Bitcoin(Cash) is dead
I am Satoshi
replied 2297d
Only one coin can be the "Best". We are experimenting with many solutions, and all who held BTC now have BCH and now have BCHSV, we are all fine, lets just see what version is best
replied 2297d
No BCH got rid of the dictating Trash. It's even stronger now.
replied 2297d
CSW ? Lel
Now it's even more centralized, and it's bch just coz of hired hashrate and community support
Right now bchABC will do whatever they want with that coin
replied 2297d
Why is it more centralized? Because there are less mining pools? Well that would be the same for both sides. But the odds are more mining pools will go towards abc.
replied 2297d
True both sides are centralized (the SV a bit more I think)
It's not really about the mining pools but "who decide what changes do we do in the code"
replied 2297d
The only reason I care about decentralization is to prevent hacking. I could careless who decides to make changes to the code.
replied 2297d
The fiat is really hard to hack
En Fri Mand
replied 2297d
except for its owners.
replied 2297d
Ummmmm ya, miners voted. That is exactly what this whole fork debacle has been about. Miners voted & now the community has their say in supporting (holding) what they prefer.
replied 2297d
Bitcoin is on it's death bed for sure. Bitcoin is supposed to replace war and can't even handle a pillow fight without exchanges interfering.
replied 2297d
Bitcoin survived Blockstream, Bitcoin will survive nChain, Bitcoin is unstoppable
replied 2297d
Bitcoin isn't even finished building yet. It's like saying the Movie Theater is going to go bankrupt before they even put the screens in.
replied 2297d
So true. Satoshi failed so hard
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2297d
Pandora, however, is LOL.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2297d
Nobody died (AFAIK).
replied 2297d
just imagine if BTC was now called Segwit and the Ticker symbol changed to SGT
replied 2297d
You can't live in your imagination forever. Besides, it wouldn't matter. It would still be Bitcoin.
replied 2297d
The branding name does matter. It's not everything but it's big. BCH also has eco system behind it. SV has nothing at this point. SV should have just added replay protection.
replied 2297d
"The branding name does matter." That's what I meant when I said it would still be (called) Bitcoin. Nobody asks if they take BTC, they say Bitcoin. Replay protection is anti-bitcoin.
replied 2297d
No if BTC changed to SGT people will start calling it Segwit or segwit coin. "Formerly Known as Bitcoin"
replied 2297d
Stupid exchanges would be sued for market manipulation and lose they KYC/AML licenses or whatever fiat requires. New exchanges would take their place overnight.
replied 2297d
Only those that understand why will get the reference.
replied 2297d
Where did he mention that strategy?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2297d live stream. When they post the replay I'll link you up.