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1511d · Life path
God woke up early this morning…
He read complaints and requests…
And people from the jug without cheating
I poured what I wanted into my heart…
But not everyone's heart was open
And not everyone has a place for a Miracle.
The envy, enmity propped up the door…
Then greed does not allow you to pour success…
And someone has spilled to the brim
Sadness and hopelessness, that's the trouble.
And God was sorry that the heart was hidden…
Love wanted to pour, but that's where?
And God was sad that people can't
Clean the hearts and souls of resentment…
They turn to stone over the years
And the heart turns to granite...
but God walked, looked and smiled,
When the hearts of lovers met.
He took the jug and did his best,
I carefully poured happiness into their hearts…
And people gradually splashed
God-given grace
And everyone around them was blamed for the loss,
Forgetting to look for fault in ourselves…
After all, if we could forgive and believe,
To love, to thank and to let go,
Then God could not measure happiness by a drop,
A magic jug could have given you everything…
Today, God woke up at dawn.
A huge box of requests at your feet…
And next to it there is only one envelope without requests:
"Thank you for everything, my God…»