If you actually read up on evolution it actually works by deactivating some bits of code and activating other bits. Also about the changes to that code over time.
I agree but again, does not create a brand new complex set of code.
It doesn't have to. We share a lot of DNA with all life on the planet. You can do all that by just turning things on and off, and slow changes to bits over time.
And how does slow changes to bits over time manage to put together incredibly large amount of DNA coding needed to get an organ with a single function as an eye for example?
All changes to these bits are random. But the useful changes get passed on via natural selection. Eventually, eye-like changes form randomly in the DNA code, & are passed on & refined.
Mutations are mostly useless. Look at children of Hiroshima. Small useless arms etc. Even if it was useful one specimen cannot change a whole species. He would have to screw millions.
Ok but each change has to be significantly better. Too such a degree that the existing animals can't compete for survival or mates. If not, the change will die out.
No, this is not true. Simply giving any sort of advantage is enough to encourage genes to be passed on and adopted - they don't have to be competition eliminating changes.
It doesn't always. Often times desirable mutations die out. But since they give an advantage, some genes are naturally more likely to survive and be passed on.
Yes, the mutations have to give a discernable advantage. Mutations does not do that. In the very off chance it does, it doesn't happen often enough to get a foothold in the species.
Well, there's lots of data on evolution, natural selection, and the propagation of genetic mutations in nature. The fossil record is an excellent way to see the process visually.
Like Pilt Down man? That data, even if it did show that, which it doesn't, can be faked. There is huge political and other motivation to do so, that is why I am very sceptical.
Atheism can't exist without evolution. Atheism is needed to justify absolute state control of its subjects. Look at the history of the persecution of religion by the Soviets.
And why is atheism needed to justify absolute state control of subjects? Religion has a long a brutal history of being used as a tool to enforce absolute control over people.
Atheism works better - there's no higher ideal that the state is supposed to be subordinate to. So the State can replace God entirely. More efficient than being merely a middleman.
What do you think Big Brother is?? All knowing, all seeing, all powerful, the arbiter of Truth... If that's not a replacement for God then we have different definitions.
Its Religion that has been abused for propaganda. Its books and authorities that abuse the people. The bible is a hoax that was invented after Religion to control the sheeps.
Look at the history of persecution of anyone who disagreed with them by almost every established religion ever... "Atheism can't exist without evolution"... Why the hell not?
And why is atheism needed to justify absolute state control of subjects? Religion has a long a brutal history of being used as a tool to enforce absolute control over people.
I think it's a lot like biased journalism. Geology is a fun example - any conclusion that looked like a catastrophic worldwide flood was flatly dismissed because, you know why.
There's a reason, for example, that the Rebels in Star Wars are bonded together by faith in the Force. John Paul II went to Poland in '79 and it toppled the USSR. Tyrants hate God.
Yeah, that's a pretty extreme example of a mutation. Yes, most are entirely useless, but natural selection means that the useful ones do get passed on. They are also tiny changes.
Yes. One in thousands or millions. Not enough to displace the existing animals. If one in 10 lions were born with significant increased strength all over the world, yes mabe.
Once these changes happen, they don't just go away... They are passed on to children and spread throughout the population. Thus, minuscule changes propagate themselves and persist.
Also we can show how the eye evolved over time. There is a spectrum of complexity in eyes found in nature. Starting with light sensitive cells to full out telescopic eyes.
No I don't, but you asked for the info, and that is an easy place to find it. That said Cosmos was not TV nonsense. It was knowledge presented by a scientist.
Proper research that refers to sources that you can check etc. Has discovery channel ever presented any criticism to global warming. If they have it is just as a strawman.
I have read a lot of the propaganda against the science. There is nothing behind it. Like that list of "scientists" that don't belive in global warming turns out to be regular people.
Those phD's aren't in a relevant field. Their opinions are worthless. Research and data are what matter. It was not a narrative change. Just that it involves more than than warming.
It can be more complicated then that though. The issue is the excess energy in the system due to an albedo imbalance. The extra energy usually is noticed as more heat, but not always.
That was actually one of the first things to evolve in single celled organisms actually. Mostly so things could move to or from light. Sight actually evolved with the ability to move.
Doh.. single cell organisms do not have a pit eye. I thought this is obvious. SCO can detect light and react to it - spot. More complex eye on a SCO look up warnowiid
I hope you joking. We observe and track those changes. We can see where we had two chromosomes fuse together after we split from Chimps. We can see what use to be ends fused together.
What are you saying there is not an example of? We have observed how mutations to genes in DNA happen. What we have not observed is the natural formation of DNA (or origins of life).
We have created entirely new DNA from scratch ourselves. That is beside the point though. Evolution would be disprove if DNA could just create whole new complex chains in one go.
If evolution would be a slow process we should witness as of RIGHT NOW mid-organs with no functions. There is not a single instance in the whole world showing that.
"Normally, the appendix sits in the lower right abdomen. The function of the appendix is unknown." It doesn't mean it has none because you're too much of an idiot to figure out.
I just listen to people who are experts in the field. Your questions on the issue remind of something Mr. Garston said. "There are no stupid questions. Only stupid people."
I understand science. You are oversimolifying things. I do questions the issues. That is why I know climate change is real. I spent a long time thinking it wasn't.
#1 Everything changes #2 Climate may be warming now But then food for thought. Is it really good or bad that the Earth is warming up. We've been conditioned: Climate change=bad
The issue is the rate of change. We have seen times the climate changed this quickly before. Every time it happened we call a mass extinction event. Yes it is bad.
The cause is the burning of fossil fuels. We can tell that the added CO2 in the atmosphere has lower C14. Because it is millions of years old and already all decayed to C12.
That is actually denier propaganda. Astronomers actually debunked that it isn't caused by solar cycles since those cycles do not at all correlate to the changes in the climate.
Being whatever NOT denier is being science denier. Science is about questioning all the time.When I look at the "proofs" of climate change and evolution I find them rather unconvincing
Probably because you have not looked at all the info, or understand the science on the subject enough to evaluate the data. Science leads to the conclusion that both are true.
If you think one of the top chemists in the world is stupid but can't counter a single one of his claims, I'd say YOU're the one who's dogmatically religious and anti-science.
If he thinks evolution didn't happen then he is just being an old fool. Religion can cloud the mind. Even scientists are not immune to cognitive dissonance sometimes.
That's not what he's arguing. He's saying that the first cell spontaneously creating itself is a miracle beyond any described in the Bible. You're the one with cognitive dissonance.
Ah, he is arguing against a strawman then. That isn't the theory on how it happened. First came RNA, them DNA. Protein structures and then cell walls came later.
What you're describing is a creation myth. I don't believe you watched that video, and I don't believe you ever will because you're afraid of anything that threatens your religion.
I scanned though it. Read what was on his screen a few times. It doesn't matter what he thinks anyway. It matters what all the findings and scientists think. Not one guy.
Lol it doesn't matter which came first! You have to freaking make it in the first place, and then have it not deteriorate until the proverbial monkeys can type shakespeare.