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Is #memo running on Bitcoin these days or ABCensorcoin?
replied 2273d
Your post wasn't censored, so what do you think?
replied 2273d
I am banned from /r/bitcoinsv and blocked from CSW' twitter account. You can keep your centralized censored SV shitcoin for youself IMO.
replied 2273d
You're mistaken which is the permissionless one. BCH (ABC) is permissionless, BSV is a centralized 100% corporate controlled shitcoin.
replied 2272d
But if someone puts something in the chain that Amaury doesn't like his nudes they'll checkpoint them out. That's impossible in all other Bitcoin implementations 🎅🤷
replied 2272d
LOL. The name, CHECKPOINT, means that something is checkpointed IN, not out. You silly troll!
replied 2272d
Yeah, the central authority maintains the valid checkpoints so Amaurys nudes (e.g) will never make it into their checkpoints. That's if, of course, they don't spot it in the mempool...
replied 2272d
And easily yank it from there since everyone's mempools are now CTOR ordered and manipulated more easily. Q.E.D