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replied 2350d
The BTC train:
replied 2349d
Sometimes in life... I feel like the guy walking along the tracks of a train like that... Going the other direction and all alone.
replied 2349d
That’s cool
replied 2350d
Wow, I've been working on something VERY similar for the past month. Was going to wait for another mempool backlog to release it but I guess I'll push out a beta ASAP. I like yours too
replied 2349d
is this your creation?
Can somebody plse tell me why so many passengers are left standing when 32mb train leaves the station?
and, when are the 1mb'ers going to jump to other side?
replied 2348d
yes it’s my site. thanks for the feedback. sometimes blocks and tx can get slightly out of sync, and blocks don’t always include all tx. updates are coming to help.
replied 2350d
Good start. I like the metaphor a lot. I think it can really help people understand the blockchain.
En Fri Mand
replied 2349d
Cool. This is a better representation than txhighway.
replied 2349d
to improve... but idea is easier to visualize like this, in fact I often have explain blockchain talking about bus seats and passengers...
En Fri Mand
replied 2349d
replied 2350d
Follow me ;)
replied 2349d
Nice visualization!
replied 2350d
I love this! I wish the people waiting around were a little less organized
replied 2350d
replied 2350d
this is awesome - wait until the next backlog :-)
Fa Sol
replied 2350d
Welcome to BCH facilities. Which whitepaper are you following? Are your Devs allowed to speak about your job? Do you plan to use Bitcoincash facilities for development purpose.?
replied 2350d
This is amazing!
replied 2350d
I find it weird that the subway gets empty after each refresh of the page. What is it representing?
replied 2350d
It shows transactions (as passengers) accumulating in each coin’s mempool (as train platform). Syncing the full state of the mempool when the page loads is a work in progress 🙂
replied 2350d
Cool. It's also nice how lower-fee transactions are further from the subway.
The site is draining quite a lot from my CPU though.
replied 2350d
Thanks, I’ll look at reducing load on the CPU.