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replied 2392d
En Fri Mand
So It may be that there is a supreme being, some geeks in a lab somewhere, that created a cosmos or ran a simulation, which resulted in what we today call as the big bang.
replied 2392d
my first thought too. the two could both be true.
En Fri Mand
replied 2392d
Now you make it very difficult choosing one of the two 😂
replied 2392d
And to make matters worse, it may be that the creator came from the original big bang, or a series of creators nested withing a series of big bangs, hard to untangle.
En Fri Mand
replied 2392d
So the creator was created from a big bang and then the creator created this world. The answer must be that a creator designed it then.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2392d
"The simulation" is no different than deism. It's just deterministic creationism. Of course then you have the problem of - who created the geeks?