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replied 2283d
Does this mean the bottlenecks have been fixed?
replied 2283d
No, the bottlenecks were mitigated to some degree, but not fixed. See the mempool divergences:,24h
En Fri Mand
replied 2283d
ABC made some fixes in one of their recent releases.
replied 2283d
(the stress testing tools likely seed the TX's on, or topologically close to, the BMG/SVnodes)
replied 2283d
No, we could always hit 1 or a couple blocks. The issue was sustaining those blocks consistently. This literally means nothing.
replied 2283d
But they never filled a 32 MB block with the last stress test. The most was 23. I would think if what you said is correct, a 32 MB would have been filled.
replied 2283d
BMG's 32 MB block is literally their on txns. Should not be used for any data on how many blocks we can handle. They are manipulating the network. This is y non-devs need to be careful
replied 2282d
What bottlenecks? BCH had pretty much had empty blocks no?