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replied 2436d
En Fri Mand
The truth is that there are hundreds of ways to prove round earth with bare eyes and basic maths. There is no way of proving flat earth (obviously because it is a wrong model)
replied 2436d
Interesting...Is there really 100s of ways?
Can you name 3?
Bare eyes do not prove globe and niether does maths..nor do any of the 5senses that we all have. Imo :-)
replied 2436d
1.- Horizon; 2.- Position of Stars in Sky, 3, Shadows.
replied 2436d
Horizon doesnt say globe. Position of stars...def not if i think of it the stars should change around u every hour but they dont
And shadows are because the sun goes around us..imo
replied 2436d
Horizon SAYS globe (Learn trigonometry), Angle of Polaris in sky is the same as your latitude on the globe (basic navigation), And shadows show the truth:
replied 2436d
Watch a time lapsed video of the stars. If we were spinning the stars would not look like this..
the stars would be makin vertical style circles.
replied 2436d
Think twice, draw a draft, and you'll understand that they spin exactly as they should. You can even calculate the latitude of the places where the stars were filmed..
replied 2436d
Lols i have..anyways until we dont get real footage of a globe earth.spinning at over 1k mph per 24hours...anything is possible...and we all know nasa never went to the moon :-)
replied 2436d
Why do flatties believe the Earth is flat? Because it beleived to be so before and for so long? I'm asking this seriously.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2436d
They're religion is to basically distrust everything that is supposed to be conventional knowledge as a psyop that's keeping them from the soul freeing truth that the earth is flat.
replied 2436d
Because they think everything the state / science / educational system says, is brainwashing. They just can't see that some things are in fact provable and proven. What can you do...
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2436d
I think that's the point. It's similar philosophical excersise to trying to prove the existence of God(or lack thereof). In that way it's a very Cartesian belief system.
En Fri Mand
replied 2436d
You can see much longer than you should be able to according to the round earth model.
replied 2436d
En Fri Mand
replied 2436d
According to what I have seen in some videos it has been possible to see longer. I think I should try it myself someday to completely verify.