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#hmwyda wishlist

My honest text.

First of all:
Anyone who prevents the development of Internet and cryptocurrencies - 100%
Anyone who develops systems for mass censorship/surveillance/de-anonimization - 100%
Anyone who threatens/kills reporters/journalists - 100%


I think such people are good:
Ordinary peaceful people who work and survive.
Active/creative peaceful people who invent/produce/trade goods/services and make the life more comfortable.
Teachers/mentors/artists who encourage people to be good.
Non-peaceful people who defend good people.


Anyone who harms good people is bad.
A harm may be small, serious, big, fatal.
And individual, group, mass, global.

Fatal doesn't mean lethal, it means irreversible big harm.
The death of a spose is lethal, but in most cases non-fatal.
Child abuse is non-lethal, but in many cases fatal, because childhood memories affect the entire life.


The aiding depends on the time.

Nazi Germany wasn't so terrible state during several first years. It was a racist state, but there were no wars and mass killings.
The key dates for Nazi Germany:
1938 November 10 - start of mass persecution of Jews -
1939 September 1 - start of the war -
1940 May 10 - start of big war -
1941 June 22 - start of huge war -
1941 autumn - fully operational death squads -
1942 autumn - fully operational death camps -

Add several months for realization "I must stop supporting bad guys", and the summary conclusion is:
Anyone who did any business with Nazi Germany after the beginning of 1943 was either very dumb, or an accomplice.
(If someone knew what he was doing before the key dates, then he is guilty too, apparently.)


My considerations which are different from commonly accepted.

Presumption of guilt is sometimes possible.
If a bad guy is clearly seen then I don't necessarily need proof, I'll consider him guilty until proven otherwise.

Punishment to the offender party may be more important than compensation to the aggrieved party.
I'd donate 2/1.

Peaceful solution is possible up to the level serious-group.
Starting from serious-mass I will consider the case unsolved until I see relatively similar retributional harm to the bad "life branch".
(Bad life branch includes everyone/everything who/what has benefited from the evil deeds, and directly and indirectly.)

Very bad and mass cases I will consider unsolved forever. I will donate to any harm without trying to evaluate if it is enough or not enough.
For example
I don't know her, and I don't hate her, but I'd be glad to hear bad news.

My "statute of limitation" for such cases is 20th century. The more time the less emotions, but non-zero.


Here is my list of categories.

========== Small harm ==========

===== Individual =====
Examples: rude clerk/customer, vulgar comments in social network, small theft.

===== Group =====
Examples: loud neighbor/car, bad parking, dirty restaurant, bad maintainance of condominium.

===== Mass =====
Examples: stupid tv shows, unfair lottery, 900 grams in 1-kg packet, email spam.
Examples of aiding: developers of spamming systems.

===== Global =====
I couldn't invent examples of something AND small AND global, but any local problems may become global after spreading via news.
Individual fatal -> group big -> mass serious -> global small.

========== Serious harm ==========

===== Individual =====
Examples: robbery, extortion, road rage, discrimination on race/religion/politics/sexuality, wrongful arrest, police brutality.
Examples of aiding: biased lawyer/judge.

===== Group =====
Examples: bad boss, hazardous work, delayed salary, corrupt condominium board, demolish/build something without asking locals, unfair local elections.
Examples of aiding: paid protesters/voters on elections.

===== Mass =====
Examples: big gangs, mafia, corruption, rising prices, bad healthcare/roads, blocking of roads, environmental damage, ponzi fraud.
Examples of aiding: corrupt media, fake news.

===== Global =====
Examples: pandemic, bad science (weapons of mass destruction), global price manipulations (oil, bitcoin), dictatorship, local war, fanatical religious propaganda, terrorism.
Sometimes +Bad Life Branch (dictator commits acts of terrorism against civilians - 100%+BLB).

========== Big harm ==========

===== Individual =====
Examples: bad treatment, disability, deprivation of livelihood/housing/business, unfair prison sentence, brutal beating, rape, tortures.
Examples of aiding: falsification of notarial/medical records, destruction of evidences.
Sometimes +BLB (false accusation - corrupt judge - chronic illness in prison - 100%+BLB).

===== Group =====
Examples: demolish a village for seizing the land, large residential fire, industrial pollution causing health problems, violence inside isolated communities (sect, orphanage, clinic, army, prison).
Examples of aiding: withholding of information, impeding journalists.
Sometimes +BLB (mafia family took over the land of farmers - 100%+BLB).

===== Mass =====
Examples: dictatorship, war.
30% - 100%+BLB
Big variation because of big differences - Antonio Salazar and Pol Pot were completely different dictators.

Besides of the inner circle of bosses, every dictatorship has two essential parts: repressive system and propaganda. I believe they aren't just helpers but accomplices, from police minister down to news writer.
30% - 100%+BLB

Example of aiding: all public officials/employees who continue working for regime after the key dates (without forcing).

Examples of indirect aiding: foreign bank keeps dictator's money, foreign clinic treats dictator, big corporation does business with dictator, foreign respectable people meet and talk with dictator with smiles and handshakes.
60% +

===== Global =====
World War - maybe, but it's hard to evaluate. It cannot be said that "WW2 had caused a big harm to the whole world".

What I really consider as Global Big Harm is concealment of important scientific information, and bad and good. If we ever find out that Nikola Tesla had really invented global free enrgy in the beginning of 20th century, AND someone deliberately concealed this technology, then 100%+BLB.

========== Fatal harm ==========

As I wrote before, I don't mean fatal as lethal. I don't consider the death itself as a harm to the dead man. Circumstances may be harmful, but the death itself is unevaluable because nobody can look in the afterlife.

The difference between big and fatal is psychological. Fatal is unmitigatable harm when some "logical entity" had completly ceased to exist. In case of big harm I can still hope to hear good news about the aggrieved party. In case of fatal harm the only possible good news are bad news about the offender party.

Fatal = Big + 50%

===== Examples =====

Individual: physical/medical/mental impact which led to full change/destruction of the psyche (unbearable tortures, evil child-rearing, child abuse).

Group: destruction of business/religious/political organisation and persecution/extermination of it's members.

Mass: destruction of country/nation/ethnic group, genocide, high-level fatal decisons (outbreak of war), propaganda, brainwashing.
I especially hate propaganda among children. Writing lying history books for kids may seem not very severe, but in my opinion it may be 100%+BLB.
Unfair national elections may become fatal in some cases.

Global: WW3 hasn't happened yet.


And one more time:
Anyone who prevents the development of Internet and cryptocurrencies - 100%
Anyone who develops systems for mass censorship/surveillance/de-anonimization - 100%
Anyone who threatens/kills reporters/journalists - 100%


Maybe next time I will add names/objects.


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